pptx of 7 questions for WG/IG report-out

11 Jan 2018

Hi all,
For any group representative doing a report-out on Thursday or Friday, I’ve posted a .pptx slide with the 7 questions we discussed today for convenience. The 7 questions are also listed in the notes document towards the end of Day 1 notes should you prefer to use a different format. Please cap your summary at 10 minutes (shorter is also great!).
.pptx file - https://www.rd-alliance.org/sites/default/files/2018Jan_ChairsMtg_GroupT...
notes doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q69ftI0bvfFlQIgaDuRCjgku4byjglUT8FSN...
Jane – I looked at moving these into a Google form but the questions weren’t immediately well suited. Will definitely consider reframing into a survey/comparable structure for broader release though. Thanks for suggestion!
Will see you all at 9am tomorrow morning.
Lynn Yarmey
Research Data Alliance/US
Director of RDA/US Community Development
RDA Secretariat

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