Next steps - formation of task groups

12 Oct 2017
Groups audience: 

Dear VSSIG members
Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest Group [0], and particularly to those who attended the recent f2f meeting in Montreal [1].
Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch. However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for that meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now like to proceed with.
A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and nominate themselves as participants or leaders [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are 'voluntary' (i.e. supported by our home organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those activities where there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to lead or coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with a leader and a new Slack Channel [3] as noted:
1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies - Yann Le Franc - #tg-search-aggregate
2. Vocabulary API White paper - Arthur Smith - #tg-vocab-api
3. Ontology metadata standard - Clement Jonquet - #tg-ontology-metadata
4. Governance: Requesting changes - John Graybeal - #tg-change-requests
5. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies - John Graybeal - #tg-term-selection
Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2]. Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities. The Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having initial members according to the names on the sheet.
Please note that anyone who is a member of the vocabulary-services Slack workspace may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these topics.
Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
Simon, Adam, Yann, John
[3] Reminder - we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG. If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will add you.
Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist
Environmental Informatics
CSIRO Land and Water
E ***@***.*** T +61 3 9545 2365 M +61 403 302 672
Mail: Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
Visit: Central Reception, Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
Deliver: Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168
The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.

  • Armando Stellato's picture

    Author: Armando Stellato

    Date: 13 Oct, 2017

    Dear all,
    I was going through the spreadsheet in order to put my interests and a question came to my mind.
    I'm sorry I was not in Montreal and thus, having missed the discussion, this question might sound very trivial, apologies in case.
    How do these tasks relate with existing standards? My question arises as many tasks could be rethought in terms of facilitating the dissemination (and the application) of existing standards, or at least contributing to/improving/discussing critical parts these standards, more than creating new ones (at least, so it seems by reading the description of these tasks).
    Just an example:
    Ontology Metadata Standard: This consists in developing together a new ontology metadata standard that can be used to semantically describe ontologies/vocabularies/terminologies wherever they are.
    Though the short description should not necessarily include references and examples, at the same time its phrasing hardly suggests the reader that there is any awareness (I know there is, obviously) nor any will to consider the already significant number of existing metadata standards, such as:
    Datasets in general
    The DCAT application profile for data portals (DCAT-AP) and the various country-specific application profiles DCAT-AP-xx
    And also the Ontology Marketplace, strictly connected to the above, is not clear on that.
    Is there anywhere a wider perspective on these tasks so that one could get a more precise idea about their interest/possibility to contribute?
    Again, sorry in advance if I missed anything that should make this more evident to me,
    - Show quoted text -From: simon.cox=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of simon.cox
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:40 AM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear VSSIG members
    Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest Group [0], and particularly to those who attended the recent f2f meeting in Montreal [1].
    Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch. However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for that meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now like to proceed with.
    A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and nominate themselves as participants or leaders [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are 'voluntary' (i.e. supported by our home organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those activities where there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to lead or coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with a leader and a new Slack Channel [3] as noted:
    1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies - Yann Le Franc - #tg-search-aggregate
    2. Vocabulary API White paper - Arthur Smith - #tg-vocab-api
    3. Ontology metadata standard - Clement Jonquet - #tg-ontology-metadata
    4. Governance: Requesting changes - John Graybeal - #tg-change-requests
    5. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies - John Graybeal - #tg-term-selection
    Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2]. Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities. The Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having initial members according to the names on the sheet.
    Please note that anyone who is a member of the vocabulary-services Slack workspace may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these topics.
    Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
    Simon, Adam, Yann, John
    [3] Reminder - we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG. If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will add you.
    Simon J D Cox
    Research Scientist
    Environmental Informatics
    CSIRO Land and Water
    E ***@***.*** T +61 3 9545 2365 M +61 403 302 672
    Mail: Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
    Visit: Central Reception, Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
    Deliver: Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168
    The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.
    Please consider the environment before printing this email.

  • Biswanath Dutta's picture

    Author: Biswanath Dutta

    Date: 13 Oct, 2017

    Dear Armando,
    Thank you for raising this question. I see your point that the
    tasks should have been detailed possibly with some existing examples/
    standards, if any.
    Coming to the examples like void, dcat that you mentioned, IMO, are more
    relevant to the data cataloguing than the Vocabulary/ Ontology (e.g.
    Agrovoc) descriptions. The more relevent metadata standard for Ontology /
    Vocabulary description is OMV (Ontology Metadata Vocabulary), and very
    recently MOD (Metadata for Ontology Description and publication).
    In this task our objective (Clement may add more points) is to improve/
    extend these existing works (OMV, MOD), and build something that community
    would use incorporating the other relevant existing standards. We have a
    paper accepted in MTSR 2017 where we have detailed the issues, our
    objectives and the tasks. We will share this paper within the group
    With regards,
    On 13-Oct-2017 2:48 PM, "starred" <***@***.***> wrote:
    Dear all,
    I was going through the spreadsheet in order to put my interests and a
    question came to my mind.
    I’m sorry I was not in Montreal and thus, having missed the discussion,
    this question might sound very trivial, apologies in case.
    How do these tasks relate with existing standards? My question arises as
    many tasks could be rethought in terms of facilitating the dissemination
    (and the application) of existing standards, or at least contributing
    to/improving/discussing critical parts these standards, more than creating
    new ones (at least, so it seems by reading the description of these tasks).
    Just an example:
    *Ontology Metadata Standard*: This consists in developing together a new
    ontology metadata standard that can be used to semantically describe
    ontologies/vocabularies/terminologies wherever they are.
    Though the short description should not necessarily include references and
    examples, at the same time its phrasing hardly suggests the reader that
    there is any awareness (I know there is, obviously) nor any will to
    consider the already significant number of existing metadata standards,
    such as:
    *Datasets in general*
    The DCAT application profile for data portals (DCAT-AP) and the various
    country-specific application profiles DCAT-AP-xx
    And also the *Ontology Marketplace*, strictly connected to the above, is
    not clear on that.
    Is there anywhere a wider perspective on these tasks so that one could get
    a more precise idea about their interest/possibility to contribute?
    Again, sorry in advance if I missed anything that should make this more
    evident to me,
    *From:* simon.cox=***@***.*** [] *On Behalf Of *simon.cox
    *Sent:* Friday, October 13, 2017 12:40 AM
    *To:* ***@***.***
    *Subject:* [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear VSSIG members
    Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services
    Interest Group

    [0], and particularly to those who attended the recent f2f meeting in

    Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break
    unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch.
    However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for
    that meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now
    like to proceed with.
    A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and
    nominate themselves as participants or leaders

    [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are ‘voluntary’ (i.e. supported by our home
    organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those activities where
    there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to lead or
    coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with a
    leader and a new Slack Channel
    [3] as noted:
    1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies – Yann Le Franc -

    2. Vocabulary API White paper – Arthur Smith - #tg-vocab-api

    3. Ontology metadata standard – Clement Jonquet - #tg-ontology-metadata

    4. Governance: Requesting changes – John Graybeal - #tg-change-requests

    5. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies – John Graybeal -

    Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of
    proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to
    encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about
    whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2].
    Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and
    reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities.
    The Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having
    initial members according to the names on the sheet.
    Please note that anyone who is a member of the vocabulary-services Slack
    may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these
    Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
    Simon, Adam, Yann, John
    [3] Reminder – we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG.
    If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will
    add you.
    *Simon J D Cox *
    Research Scientist
    Environmental Informatics
    CSIRO Land and Water
    *E* ***@***.*** *T* +61 3 9545 2365 *M* +61 403 302 672
    *Mail:* Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
    * Visit: *Central Reception, Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
    * Deliver: *Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168
    The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged.
    Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this
    email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by
    return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not
    represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this
    communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of
    errors, virus, interception or interference.
    *Please consider the environment before printing this email.*
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  • Armando Stellato's picture

    Author: Armando Stellato

    Date: 13 Oct, 2017

    Dear Biswanath,
    thanks for your clarification. Indeed I separated the two set of vocabularies in my examples (ontology metadata vocabularies, such as VOAF, and dataset metadata vocabularies).
    I think also there could be some terminological issue as the word “vocabulary” is very ambiguous, and it’s very nasty as the word “vocabulary” tends to be a term with precise meanings, just that they are different depending on the community of reference :-) so that for logicians the word vocabulary is reserved to ontologies (in general, a vocabulary is expected to provide symbols predicating over domain objects), while in some others – e.g. librarians – it could be perfect for thesauri (e.g. in the thesaurus Agrovoc the “voc” stands for vocabulary) as they use thesauri to index documents. Funnily enough, the same ambiguity or dependency on perspective would apply to data (e.g. a thesaurus is data represented through the SKOS ontology…vocabulary).
    But we can put aside for a while these terminological issues, and move to ground examples that somehow should allow us to lay down our classification markers. Putting things together, I see two counterexamples to your observations about VoID&co:
    1. In VOAF (definitely an ontology metadata vocabulary, as the V stands for Vocabulary, in the “ontology” sense of the word, widely adopted in the SW community), an ontology is a subclass of void:Dataset (, exactly because void can be applied to datasets in general, including ontologies. Thus void is interesting enough for ontologies (you can see that its descriptors and statistical info are indeed relevant for any set of triples published on the web, whatever their nature, and thus including ontologies).
    2. If I properly resolved your “e.g.-attachment”, you just mentioned Agrovoc as a vocabulary opposed to data cataloguing, and thus out of those metadata vocabularies I listed in the “dataset in general” list. I think however that this file (a VoID/LIME description of Agrovoc, which is linked through the void:inDataset property attached to each Agrovoc entity, see: for an example) seems to depict quite a lot of interesting stuff about it.
    So, sorry, hope mine was not an annoying set of observations. I’m just humbly trying to set my compass.
    Kind Regards,
    P.S: good, it seems we will meet in MTSR in a month and a half ;-)
    From: dutta2005=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of biswanathdutta
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:36 PM
    To: starred <***@***.***>; Vocabulary Services Interest Group <***@***.***>
    Cc: simon.cox <***@***.***>
    Subject: Re: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear Armando,
    Thank you for raising this question. I see your point that the tasks should have been detailed possibly with some existing examples/ standards, if any.
    Coming to the examples like void, dcat that you mentioned, IMO, are more relevant to the data cataloguing than the Vocabulary/ Ontology (e.g. Agrovoc) descriptions. The more relevent metadata standard for Ontology / Vocabulary description is OMV (Ontology Metadata Vocabulary), and very recently MOD (Metadata for Ontology Description and publication).
    In this task our objective (Clement may add more points) is to improve/ extend these existing works (OMV, MOD), and build something that community would use incorporating the other relevant existing standards. We have a paper accepted in MTSR 2017 where we have detailed the issues, our objectives and the tasks. We will share this paper within the group shortly.
    With regards,
    On 13-Oct-2017 2:48 PM, "starred" <***@***.***> wr! ote:
    Dear all,
    I was going through the spreadsheet in order to put my interests and a question came to my mind.
    I’m sorry I was not in Montreal and thus, having missed the discussion, this question might sound very trivial, apologies in case.
    How do these tasks relate with existing standards? My question arises as many tasks could be rethought in terms of facilitating the dissemination (and the application) of existing standards, or at least contributing to/improving/discussing critical parts these standards, more than creating new ones (at least, so it seems by reading the description of these tasks).
    Just an example:
    Ontology Metadata Standard: This consists in developing together a new ontology metadata standard that can be used to semantically describe ontologies/vocabularies/terminologies wherever they are.
    Though the short description should not necessarily include references and examples, at the same time its phrasing hardly suggests the reader that there is any awareness (I know there is, obviously) nor any will to consider the already significant number of existing metadata standards, such as:
    Datasets in general
    The DCAT application profile for data portals (DCAT-AP) and the various country-specific application profiles DCAT-AP-xx
    And also the Ontology Marketplace, strictly connected to the above, is not clear on that.
    Is there anywhere a wider perspective on these tasks so that one could get a more precise idea about their interest/possibility to contribute?
    Again, sorry in advance if I missed anything that should make this more evident to me,
    From: simon.cox=***@***.*** [mailto:simon.cox=***@***.***] On Behalf Of simon.cox
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:40 AM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear VSSIG members
    Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest Group [0], and particularly to those who attended the recent f2f meeting in Montreal [1].
    Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch. However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for that meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now like to proceed with.
    A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and nominate themselves as participants or leaders [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are ‘voluntary’ (i.e. supported by our home organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those activities where there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to lead or coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with a leader and a new Slack Channel [3] as noted:
    1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies – Yann Le Franc - #tg-search-aggregate
    1. Vocabulary API White paper – Arthur Smith - #tg-vocab-api
    1. Ontology metadata standard – Clement Jonquet - #tg-ontology-metadata
    1. Governance: Requesting changes – John Graybeal - #tg-change-requests
    1. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies – John Graybeal - #tg-term-selection
    Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2]. Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities. The Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having initial members according to the names on the sheet.
    Please note that anyone who is a member of the vocabulary-services Slack workspace may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these topics.
    Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
    Simon, Adam, Yann, John
    [3] Reminder – we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG. If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will add you.
    Simon J D Cox
    Research Scientist
    Environmental Informatics
    CSIRO Land and Water
    E ***@***.*** T +61 3 9545 2365 M +61 403 302 672
    Mail: Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
    Visit: Central Reception, Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
    Deliver: Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168
    The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.
    Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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  • John Graybeal's picture

    Author: John Graybeal

    Date: 13 Oct, 2017

    May I suggest that those interested in this group and topics continue the dialog on the ontology slack channel? That will enable all of us focusing on that channel to engage, and consolidate the group purpose discussions (which may be diverging).
    From: starred <***@***.***>
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 09:44
    Subject: Re: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    To: biswanathdutta <***@***.***>, Vocabulary Services Interest Group <***@***.***>
    Cc: simon.cox <***@***.***>
    Dear Biswanath,
    thanks for your clarification. Indeed I separated the two set of vocabularies in my examples (ontology metadata vocabularies, such as VOAF, and dataset metadata vocabularies).
    I think also there could be some terminological issue as the word “vocabulary” is very ambiguous, and it’s very nasty as the word “vocabulary” tends to be a term with precise meanings, just that they are different depending on the community of reference :-) so that for logicians the word vocabulary is reserved to ontologies (in general, a vocabulary is expected to provide symbols predicating over domain objects), while in some others – e.g. librarians – it could be perfect for thesauri (e.g. in the thesaurus Agrovoc the “voc” stands for vocabulary) as they use thesauri to index documents. Funnily enough, the same ambiguity or dependency on perspective would apply to data (e.g. a thesaurus is data represented through the SKOS ontology…vocabulary).
    But we can put aside for a while these terminological issues, and move to ground examples that somehow should allow us to lay down our classification markers. Putting things together, I see two counterexamples to your observations about VoID&co:
    1. In VOAF (definitely an ontology metadata vocabulary, as the V stands for Vocabulary, in the “ontology” sense of the word, widely adopted in the SW community), an ontology is a subclass of void:Dataset (, exactly because void can be applied to datasets in general, including ontologies. Thus void is interesting enough for ontologies (you can see that its descriptors and statistical info are indeed relevant for any set of triples published on the web, whatever their nature, and thus including ontologies).
    2. If I properly resolved your “e.g.-attachment”, you just mentioned Agrovoc as avocabulary opposed to data cataloguing, and thus out of those metadata vocabularies I listed in the “dataset in general” list. I think however that this file (a VoID/LIME description of Agrovoc, which is linked through the void:inDataset property attached to each Agrovoc entity, see: for an example) seems to depict quite a lot of interesting stuff about it.
    So, sorry, hope mine was not an annoying set of observations. I’m just humbly trying to set my compass.
    Kind Regards,
    P.S: good, it seems we will meet in MTSR in a month and a half ;-)
    From: dutta2005=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***]On Behalf Of biswanathdutta
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:36 PM
    To: starred <***@***.***>; Vocabulary Services Interest Group <***@***.***>
    Cc: simon.cox <***@***.***>
    Subject: Re: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear Armando,
    Thank you for raising this question. I see your point that the tasks should have been detailed possibly with some existing examples/ standards, if any.
    Coming to the examples like void, dcat that you mentioned, IMO, are more relevant to the data cataloguing than the Vocabulary/ Ontology (e.g. Agrovoc) descriptions. The more relevent metadata standard for Ontology / Vocabulary description is OMV (Ontology Metadata Vocabulary), and very recently MOD (Metadata for Ontology Description and publication).
    In this task our objective (Clement may add more points) is to improve/ extend these existing works (OMV, MOD), and build something that community would use incorporating the other relevant existing standards. We have a paper accepted in MTSR 2017 where we have detailed the issues, our objectives and the tasks. We will share this paper within the group shortly.
    With regards,
    On 13-Oct-2017 2:48 PM, "starred" <***@***.***> wr! ote:
    Dear all,
    I was going through the spreadsheet in order to put my interests and a question came to my mind.
    I’m sorry I was not in Montreal and thus, having missed the discussion, this question might sound very trivial, apologies in case.
    How do these tasks relate with existing standards? My question arises as many tasks could be rethought in terms of facilitating the dissemination (and the application) of existing standards, or at least contributing to/improving/discussing critical parts these standards, more than creating new ones (at least, so it seems by reading the description of these tasks).
    Just an example:
    Ontology Metadata Standard: This consists in developing together a new ontology metadata standard that can be used to semantically describe ontologies/vocabularies/terminologies wherever they are.
    Though the short description should not necessarily include references and examples, at the same time its phrasing hardly suggests the reader that there is any awareness (I know there is, obviously) nor any will to consider the already significant number of existing metadata standards, such as:
    Datasets in general
    The DCAT application profile for data portals (DCAT-AP) and the various country-specific application profiles DCAT-AP-xx
    And also the Ontology Marketplace, strictly connected to the above, is not clear on that.
    Is there anywhere a wider perspective on these tasks so that one could get a more precise idea about their interest/possibility to contribute?
    Again, sorry in advance if I missed anything that should make this more evident to me,
    From: simon.cox=***@***.*** [mailto:simon.cox=***@***.***]On Behalf Of simon.cox
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:40 AM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear VSSIG members
    Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest Group [0], and particularly to those who attended therecent f2f meeting in Montreal [1].
    Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch. However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for that meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now like to proceed with.
    A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and nominate themselves as participants or leaders [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are ‘voluntary’ (i.e. supported by our home organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those activities where there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to lead or coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with a leader and a new Slack Channel [3] as noted:
    1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies – Yann Le Franc -#tg-search-aggregate
    1. Vocabulary API White paper – Arthur Smith -#tg-vocab-api
    1. Ontology metadata standard – Clement Jonquet -#tg-ontology-metadata
    1. Governance: Requesting changes – John Graybeal -#tg-change-requests
    1. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies – John Graybeal -#tg-term-selection
    Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2]. Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities. The Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having initial members according to the names on the sheet.
    Please note that anyone who is a member of thevocabulary-services Slack workspace may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these topics.
    Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
    Simon, Adam, Yann, John
    [3] Reminder – we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG. If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will add you.
    Simon J D Cox
    Research Scientist
    Environmental Informatics
    CSIRO Land and Water
    ***@***.***T +61 3 9545 2365M +61 403 302 672
    Mail: Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
    Visit:Central Reception,Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
    Deliver:Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168
    The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.
    Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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  • Clement Jonquet's picture

    Author: Clement Jonquet

    Date: 17 Oct, 2017

    Dear VSSIG group and task group,
    I have started giving some back ground information on the Slack channel :
    Please join us!
    Dr. Clement JONQUET - PhD in Informatics - Assistant Professor
    University of Montpellier
    Coordinator of the SIFR and AgroPortal
    Visiting scholar, Stanford University (EU Marie Curie fellow)
    @Montpellier : +33/4 67 14 97 43
    @Stanford : +1 650 723 6725
    De : jgraybeal=***@***.***
    [mailto:***@***.***] De la part de graybeal
    Envoyé : vendredi 13 octobre 2017 12:18
    À : starred <***@***.***>; biswanathdutta <***@***.***>;
    Vocabulary Services Interest Group <***@***.***>
    Cc : simon.cox <***@***.***>
    Objet : Re: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    May I suggest that those interested in this group and topics continue the
    dialog on the ontology slack channel? That will enable all of us focusing on
    that channel to engage, and consolidate the group purpose discussions (which
    may be diverging).
    From: starred <***@***.*** >
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 09:44
    Subject: Re: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    To: biswanathdutta <***@***.*** >,
    Vocabulary Services Interest Group <***@***.***
    Cc: simon.cox <***@***.*** >
    Dear Biswanath,
    thanks for your clarification. Indeed I separated the two set of
    vocabularies in my examples (ontology metadata vocabularies, such as VOAF,
    and dataset metadata vocabularies).
    I think also there could be some terminological issue as the word
    “vocabulary” is very ambiguous, and it’s very nasty as the word “vocabulary”
    tends to be a term with precise meanings, just that they are different
    depending on the community of reference :-) so that for logicians the word
    vocabulary is reserved to ontologies (in general, a vocabulary is expected
    to provide symbols predicating over domain objects), while in some others –
    e.g. librarians – it could be perfect for thesauri (e.g. in the thesaurus
    Agrovoc the “voc” stands for vocabulary) as they use thesauri to index
    documents. Funnily enough, the same ambiguity or dependency on perspective
    would apply to data (e.g. a thesaurus is data represented through the SKOS
    But we can put aside for a while these terminological issues, and move to
    ground examples that somehow should allow us to lay down our classification
    markers. Putting things together, I see two counterexamples to your
    observations about VoID&co:
    1. In VOAF (definitely an ontology metadata vocabulary, as the V stands
    for Vocabulary, in the “ontology” sense of the word, widely adopted in the
    SW community), an ontology is a subclass of void:Dataset
    (, exactly because void
    can be applied to datasets in general, including ontologies. Thus void is
    interesting enough for ontologies (you can see that its descriptors and
    statistical info are indeed relevant for any set of triples published on the
    web, whatever their nature, and thus including ontologies).
    2. If I properly resolved your “e.g.-attachment”, you just mentioned
    Agrovoc as avocabulary opposed to data cataloguing, and thus out of those
    metadata vocabularies I listed in the “dataset in general” list. I think
    however that this file (a VoID/LIME
    description of Agrovoc, which is linked through the void:inDataset property
    attached to each Agrovoc entity, see:
    for an example) seems to depict quite a lot of interesting stuff about it.
    So, sorry, hope mine was not an annoying set of observations. I’m just
    humbly trying to set my compass.
    Kind Regards,
    P.S: good, it seems we will meet in MTSR in a month and a half ;-)
    From: dutta2005=***@***.***

    [mailto:***@***.***]On Behalf Of biswanathdutta
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:36 PM
    To: starred <***@***.*** >;
    Vocabulary Services Interest Group <***@***.***
    Cc: simon.cox <***@***.*** >
    Subject: Re: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear Armando,
    Thank you for raising this question. I see your point that the
    tasks should have been detailed possibly with some existing examples/
    standards, if any.
    Coming to the examples like void, dcat that you mentioned, IMO, are more
    relevant to the data cataloguing than the Vocabulary/ Ontology (e.g.
    Agrovoc) descriptions. The more relevent metadata standard for Ontology /
    Vocabulary description is OMV (Ontology Metadata Vocabulary), and very
    recently MOD (Metadata for Ontology Description and publication).
    In this task our objective (Clement may add more points) is to improve/
    extend these existing works (OMV, MOD), and build something that community
    would use incorporating the other relevant existing standards. We have a
    paper accepted in MTSR 2017 where we have detailed the issues, our
    objectives and the tasks. We will share this paper within the group shortly.
    With regards,
    On 13-Oct-2017 2:48 PM, "starred" <***@***.***
    > wr! ote:
    Dear all,
    I was going through the spreadsheet in order to put my interests and a
    question came to my mind.
    I’m sorry I was not in Montreal and thus, having missed the discussion, this
    question might sound very trivial, apologies in case.
    How do these tasks relate with existing standards? My question arises as
    many tasks could be rethought in terms of facilitating the dissemination
    (and the application) of existing standards, or at least contributing
    to/improving/discussing critical parts these standards, more than creating
    new ones (at least, so it seems by reading the description of these tasks).
    Just an example:
    Ontology Metadata Standard: This consists in developing together a new
    ontology metadata standard that can be used to semantically describe
    ontologies/vocabularies/terminologies wherever they are.
    Though the short description should not necessarily include references and
    examples, at the same time its phrasing hardly suggests the reader that
    there is any awareness (I know there is, obviously) nor any will to consider
    the already significant number of existing metadata standards, such as:
    Datasets in general
    The DCAT application profile for data portals (DCAT-AP) and the various
    country-specific application profiles DCAT-AP-xx
    And also the Ontology Marketplace, strictly connected to the above, is not
    clear on that.
    Is there anywhere a wider perspective on these tasks so that one could get a
    more precise idea about their interest/possibility to contribute?
    Again, sorry in advance if I missed anything that should make this more
    evident to me,
    From: simon.cox=***@***.***
    [mailto:simon.cox =***@***.***
    ]On Behalf Of simon.cox
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:40 AM
    To: ***@***.***

    Subject: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear VSSIG members
    Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest

    [0], and particularly to those who attended therecent f2f meeting in
    Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break
    unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch.
    However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for that
    meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now like
    to proceed with.
    A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and
    nominate themselves as participants or leaders

    o1yWI7K8/> [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are ‘voluntary’ (i.e. supported
    by our home organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those
    activities where there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to
    lead or coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with
    a leader and a new Slack Channel
    [3] as noted:
    1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies – Yann Le Franc

    2. Vocabulary API White paper – Arthur Smith -#tg-vocab-api

    3. Ontology metadata standard – Clement Jonquet -#tg-ontology-metadata

    4. Governance: Requesting changes – John Graybeal -#tg-change-requests

    5. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies – John Graybeal

    Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of
    proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to
    encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about
    whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2].
    Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and
    reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities. The
    Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having initial
    members according to the names on the sheet.
    Please note that anyone who is a member of thevocabulary-services Slack
    may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these
    Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
    Simon, Adam, Yann, John
    [3] Reminder – we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG.
    If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will
    add you.
    Simon J D Cox
    Research Scientist
    Environmental Informatics
    CSIRO Land and Water
    E ***@***.*** +61 3 9545 2365M +61 403
    302 672
    Mail: Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
    Visit:Central Reception,Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
    Deliver:Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168

    The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged.
    Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this
    email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return
    email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent,
    warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been
    maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception
    or interference.
    Please consider the environment before printing this email.
    Full post:
    Manage my subscriptions:
    Stop emails for this post:

  • John Graybeal's picture

    Author: John Graybeal

    Date: 24 Oct, 2017

    (Sorry, I really started this email a loooong time ago...)
    These are great questions and observations. Generally speaking, these VSSIG tasks are meant to take into account any past and existing activity, as best we can, and move the work forward in the most needed areas. What it means to "move the work forward" may be quite different for different tasks.
    Individual task descriptions were necessarily abbreviated due to time, and I think one of the first steps of each group will be to see if any modifications to the task description will be helpful going forward.
    In this one example, the situation is a bit special, in that Clement Jonquet's team has in fact done a very detailed job of mapping all of the different standards you cite into a 'universal' set of concepts that could serve the goal. But that is not the end of the work that he and other colleagues have been considering—future integration with "MOD" has been under discussion for a while—and if I am not mistaken, this team could serve as the fulcrum for pursuing that further integration.
    In general, these issues will be taken up on a case-by-case basis by each team, again with the primary goal of making progress in the next 6 (now 5) months, before the next RDA plenary.
    On Oct 13, 2017, at 2:30 AM, starred <***@***.***> wrote:
    Dear all,
    I was going through the spreadsheet in order to put my interests and a question came to my mind.
    I’m sorry I was not in Montreal and thus, having missed the discussion, this question might sound very trivial, apologies in case.
    How do these tasks relate with existing standards? My question arises as many tasks could be rethought in terms of facilitating the dissemination (and the application) of existing standards, or at least contributing to/improving/discussing critical parts these standards, more than creating new ones (at least, so it seems by reading the description of these tasks).
    Just an example:
    Ontology Metadata Standard: This consists in developing together a new ontology metadata standard that can be used to semantically describe ontologies/vocabularies/terminologies wherever they are.
    Though the short description should not necessarily include references and examples, at the same time its phrasing hardly suggests the reader that there is any awareness (I know there is, obviously) nor any will to consider the already significant number of existing metadata standards, such as:
    Datasets in general
    The DCAT application profile for data portals (DCAT-AP) and the various country-specific application profiles DCAT-AP-xx
    And also the Ontology Marketplace, strictly connected to the above, is not clear on that.
    Is there anywhere a wider perspective on these tasks so that one could get a more precise idea about their interest/possibility to contribute?
    Again, sorry in advance if I missed anything that should make this more evident to me,
    - Show quoted text -From: simon.cox=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of simon.cox
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:40 AM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear VSSIG members
    Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest Group [0], and particularly to those who attended the recent f2f meeting in Montreal [1].
    Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch. However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for that meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now like to proceed with.
    A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and nominate themselves as participants or leaders [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are ‘voluntary’ (i.e. supported by our home organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those activities where there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to lead or coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with a leader and a new Slack Channel [3] as noted:
    1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies – Yann Le Franc - #tg-search-aggregate
    2. Vocabulary API White paper – Arthur Smith - #tg-vocab-api
    3. Ontology metadata standard – Clement Jonquet - #tg-ontology-metadata
    4. Governance: Requesting changes – John Graybeal - #tg-change-requests
    5. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies – John Graybeal - #tg-term-selection
    Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2]. Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities. The Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having initial members according to the names on the sheet.
    Please note that anyone who is a member of the vocabulary-services Slack workspace may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these topics.
    Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
    Simon, Adam, Yann, John
    [3] Reminder – we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG. If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will add you.
    Simon J D Cox
    Research Scientist
    Environmental Informatics
    CSIRO Land and Water
    E ***@***.*** T +61 3 9545 2365 M +61 403 302 672
    Mail: Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
    Visit: Central Reception, Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
    Deliver: Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168
    The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.
    Please consider the environment before printing this email.
    Full post:
    Manage my subscriptions:
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    John Graybeal
    Technical Program Manager
    Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval /+/ NCBO BioPortal
    Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research

  • Armando Stellato's picture

    Author: Armando Stellato

    Date: 25 Oct, 2017

    Dear John,
    many thanks for your clarifying email. This helps me to be more fine-tuned in the contexts of these task groups :-)
    Kind Regards,
    From: John Graybeal [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 12:02 AM
    To: starred <***@***.***>
    Cc: Simon Cox <***@***.***>; ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    (Sorry, I really started this email a loooong time ago...)
    These are great questions and observations. Generally speaking, these VSSIG tasks are meant to take into account any past and existing activity, as best we can, and move the work forward in the most needed areas. What it means to "move the work forward" may be quite different for different tasks.
    Individual task descriptions were necessarily abbreviated due to time, and I think one of the first steps of each group will be to see if any modifications to the task description will be helpful going forward.
    In this one example, the situation is a bit special, in that Clement Jonquet's team has in fact done a very detailed job of mapping all of the different standards you cite into a 'universal' set of concepts that could serve the goal. But that is not the end of the work that he and other colleagues have been considering—future integration with "MOD" has been under discussion for a while—and if I am not mistaken, this team could serve as the fulcrum for pursuing that further integration.
    In general, these issues will be taken up on a case-by-case basis by each team, again with the primary goal of making progress in the next 6 (now 5) months, before the next RDA plenary.
    On Oct 13, 2017, at 2:30 AM, starred <***@***.***> wrote:
    Dear all,
    I was going through the spreadsheet in order to put my interests and a question came to my mind.
    I’m sorry I was not in Montreal and thus, having missed the discussion, this question might sound very trivial, apologies in case.
    How do these tasks relate with existing standards? My question arises as many tasks could be rethought in terms of facilitating the dissemination (and the application) of existing standards, or at least contributing to/improving/discussing critical parts these standards, more than creating new ones (at least, so it seems by reading the description of these tasks).
    Just an example:
    Ontology Metadata Standard: This consists in developing together a new ontology metadata standard that can be used to semantically describe ontologies/vocabularies/terminologies wherever they are.
    Though the short description should not necessarily include references and examples, at the same time its phrasing hardly suggests the reader that there is any awareness (I know there is, obviously) nor any will to consider the already significant number of existing metadata standards, such as:
    Datasets in general
    The DCAT application profile for data portals (DCAT-AP) and the various country-specific application profiles DCAT-AP-xx
    And also the Ontology Marketplace, strictly connected to the above, is not clear on that.
    Is there anywhere a wider perspective on these tasks so that one could get a more precise idea about their interest/possibility to contribute?
    Again, sorry in advance if I missed anything that should make this more evident to me,
    - Show quoted text -From: simon.cox=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of simon.cox
    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:40 AM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [vocabulary_services] Next steps - formation of task groups
    Dear VSSIG members
    Thanks all for interest in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest Group [0], and particularly to those who attended the recent f2f meeting in Montreal [1].
    Our cunning plan to steal some extra time from the following break unfortunately foundered on the compulsory seating arrangements at lunch. However, while we did not bottom-out all the actions we had planned for that meeting, we did set up a framework for next steps, which we would now like to proceed with.
    A shared spreadsheet was made available for members to describe tasks and nominate themselves as participants or leaders [2]. Since all VSSIG activities are ‘voluntary’ (i.e. supported by our home organizations) we can only realistically proceed on those activities where there is enough interest, and where someone has offered to lead or coordinate. Five activities currently meet this threshold, each with a leader and a new Slack Channel [3] as noted:
    1. Strategies for aggregating vocabularies – Yann Le Franc - #tg-search-aggregate
    2. Vocabulary API White paper – Arthur Smith - #tg-vocab-api
    3. Ontology metadata standard – Clement Jonquet - #tg-ontology-metadata
    4. Governance: Requesting changes – John Graybeal - #tg-change-requests
    5. Strategies for selecting from vocabularies – John Graybeal - #tg-term-selection
    Numbers are still not large for any of these, and there are a couple of proposals that do not have a nominated leader. So first we would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in any of the tasks to think about whether they could participate, and if so add their name to the sheet [2]. Next we request that the task leads consider how they want to proceed, and reach out to the other members of the group to schedule some activities. The Slack channels mentioned above have been set up [3], each having initial members according to the names on the sheet.
    Please note that anyone who is a member of the vocabulary-services Slack workspace may join any of the open channels to follow the discussions on any of these topics.
    Looking forward to some busy-ness folks!
    Simon, Adam, Yann, John
    [3] Reminder – we are using Slack as the primary comms mechanism for VSSIG. If you are not yet a member, please contact one of the chairs and they will add you.
    Simon J D Cox
    Research Scientist
    Environmental Informatics
    CSIRO Land and Water
    E ***@***.*** T +61 3 9545 2365 M +61 403 302 672
    Mail: Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169
    Visit: Central Reception, Research Way, Clayton, Vic 3168
    Deliver: Gate 3, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168
    The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.
    Please consider the environment before printing this email.
    Full post:
    Manage my subscriptions:
    Stop emails for this post:
    John Graybeal
    Technical Program Manager
    Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval /+/ NCBO BioPortal
    Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research

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