Fwd: [RDA] Acceptance of WG Storage Service Definitions Breakout Session for RDA Plenary 10

06 Jul 2017

Hi all,
Just passing on the good news -- we have our breakout session at P10 :-)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [RDA] Acceptance of WG Storage Service Definitions Breakout
Session for RDA Plenary 10
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 11:00:36 +0200
From: Laura Baracchi <***@***.***-itservices.com>
To: Paul Millar
<***@***.***>, ***@***.***
Dear Paul, Mikael,
we are glad to inform you that your application for the WG Storage
Service Definitions's breakout session for RDA Plenary 10 in Montréal,
Canada, 19-21 September 2017, has been accepted and will be part of the
You are welcome to add more detail to your session description by
editing the session page you were sent in a previous email. Should you
make any changes to this page, please inform me once the updates are
final to help us track session content.
Your session is listed here

(with the original WG's name) along with the other submissions we have
received. Note that not all sessions here have been approved and not all
of the text is final. This is an informal listing following the P9
TAB/Chairs meeting outcomes to support any cross-session conversations
in advance of the final programme listings.
We will send you a separate email with your session's scheduled day and
time by 28 July 2017. Please note that we will try to accommodate your
requests for avoiding conflicts with other sessions. However, due to the
number of sessions and the complexity of the scheduling process, this
may not always be possible.
Kind Regards, and we look forward to seeing you in Montréal.
Laura, RDA Secretariat
Laura Baracchi
Project Manager & Senior Researcher
Trust-IT Services Ltd. Trust-IT Srl
Chase Green House via Nino Bixio, 25
42 Chase Side, Enfield 56125 Pisa - ITALY
Middlesex EN2 6NF - UK
Tel: +39-050-28359

  • Mikael Borg's picture

    Author: Mikael Borg

    Date: 07 Sep, 2017

    Dear all, I think we need to prepare for the upcoming plenary, where we
    have a session. Patrick, you will chair the session, right?

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