Updated session proposal for P10

28 Jun 2017

I've updated our session proposal for the P10 meeting:
Changed the "Meeting title"
Reworked the "short introduction" section and added that we're working
on updating our case-statement.
Updated "Meeting objectives"
Added the agenda
Reworked the "target audience" section.
If you have time, could you check that the updated version seems reasonable?

  • David Antoš's picture

    Author: David Antoš

    Date: 30 Jun, 2017

    Dear Paul, All,
    I'm afraid I'm a bit late, sorry about that. I have some suggestions for
    the session description, I'm trying to make it clearer especially for
    newcomers we'd like to attract.
    My main concern is about the overlap with “machine actionable DMP” group,
    as originally stated, I'm sure Rainer would point it out. I don't know how
    to handle this.
    I was deliberately a bit redundant and included a note on target audience
    in the main text.
    Best regards,
    RNDr. David Antoš, Ph.D.
    Head of Data Storage Department, CESNET, a. l. e.
    Zikova 4, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Rep. ** http://www.ces.net
    office Brno, Šumavská 15, bldg. B, G322
    phone +420 549 49 4532 ** GSM +420 602 953 079 ** sip:***@***.***

  • Paul Millar's picture

    Author: Paul Millar

    Date: 03 Jul, 2017

    Hi David,
    Hi David,
    On 30/06/17 11:16, antos wrote:
    > I'm afraid I'm a bit late, sorry about that. I have some suggestions for
    > the session description, I'm trying to make it clearer especially for
    > newcomers we'd like to attract.
    Thanks for the suggestions and comments. They are all very helpful.
    I've tried to incorporate them directly in the text, with only some
    minor changes here and there.
    Could you check I've not skewed or missed anything?
    BTW, I like the point you mentioned about different definitions
    resulting in litigation. I think it helps people see our work as
    something that does have real-world consequences.
    Ville, would it be OK to make an oblique reference to this?
    I'm imagining a throw-away phrase, like:
    there have been cases where the lack of a
    standard resulting in litigation during a
    procurement process.
    Hi David,
    On 30/06/17 11:16, antos wrote:
    > I'm afraid I'm a bit late, sorry about that. I have some suggestions for
    > the session description, I'm trying to make it clearer especially for
    > newcomers we'd like to attract.
    Thanks for the suggestions and comments. They are all very helpful.
    I've tried to incorporate them directly in the text, with only some
    minor changes here and there.
    Could you check I've not skewed or missed anything?
    BTW, I like the point you mentioned about different definitions
    resulting in litigation. I think it helps people see our work as
    something that does have real-world consequences.
    Ville, would it be OK to make an oblique reference to this?
    I'm imagining a throw-away phrase, like:
    there have been cases where the lack of a
    standard resulting in litigation during a
    procurement process.
    > My main concern is about the overlap with “machine actionable DMP” group,
    > as originally stated, I'm sure Rainer would point it out. I don't know how
    > to handle this.
    Thanks -- I think this is a good point; actually the RDA people (inc.
    Rainer) didn't mention this explicitly, but perhaps it was one of the
    causes of the oblique "what isn't this work already done" comment.
    In this case, I don't see the DMP part as particularly problematic.
    The "Active Data Management Plans" is an interest group, so broader and
    operating at a higher level.
    There's naturally some overlap in what we want to do and their IG -- we
    explicitly mention DMP in our description! But I imagine our work would
    also be useful outside of DMPs.
    So, what I propose is that we join the IG and introduce ourselves and
    talk with them on where we overlap on our approaches and where we
    differ, with the parts where we overlap being a natural place to
    This may also bolster our membership and get more people involved in our
    OK; I've copied that into the text. We can always massage it later on.
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Ville Tenhunen's picture

    Author: Ville Tenhunen

    Date: 03 Jul, 2017

    Hi David, Paul and all,
    Hi David, Paul and all,
    paul kirjoitti 03.07.2017 klo 12:28:
    > BTW, I like the point you mentioned about different definitions
    > resulting in litigation. I think it helps people see our work as
    > something that does have real-world consequences.
    > Ville, would it be OK to make an oblique reference to this?
    I think, it would be ok. We had a case where we were sued partly because
    of different opinions of the megabyte definition (exactly it was 50 MB).
    Yes, I agree this. Better standards and definitions helps us to avoid
    litigations during the procurement process. Additionally common
    standards makes discussions with tenderers easier and possibly makes
    court decisions little bit simplier.
    PS: I have started contacting my industry contacts. Perhaps some of the
    are on vacation. I'll inform you when I have something.
    Ville Tenhunen, @vtenhunen, https://blogs.helsinki.fi/mildred
    puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

  • David Antoš's picture

    Author: David Antoš

    Date: 06 Jul, 2017

    Hi Paul,
    Hi Paul,
    On Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 11:28:09AM +0200, paul wrote:
    > Could you check I've not skewed or missed anything?
    Excellent, I like it.
    Hi Paul,
    On Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 11:28:09AM +0200, paul wrote:
    > Could you check I've not skewed or missed anything?
    Excellent, I like it.
    > BTW, I like the point you mentioned about different definitions
    > resulting in litigation. I think it helps people see our work as
    > something that does have real-world consequences.
    Yes, exactly. I'd love to get rid of my five pages of term definitions in
    my procurement documents.
    Hi Paul,
    On Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 11:28:09AM +0200, paul wrote:
    > Could you check I've not skewed or missed anything?
    Excellent, I like it.
    > BTW, I like the point you mentioned about different definitions
    > resulting in litigation. I think it helps people see our work as
    > something that does have real-world consequences.
    Yes, exactly. I'd love to get rid of my five pages of term definitions in
    my procurement documents.
    > > My main concern is about the overlap with “machine actionable DMP” group,
    > > as originally stated, I'm sure Rainer would point it out. I don't know how
    > > to handle this.
    > Thanks -- I think this is a good point; actually the RDA people (inc.
    > Rainer) didn't mention this explicitly, but perhaps it was one of the
    > causes of the oblique "what isn't this work already done" comment.
    > In this case, I don't see the DMP part as particularly problematic.
    > The "Active Data Management Plans" is an interest group, so broader and
    > operating at a higher level.
    Sure, but that's part of my concern that the Active DMP is defined so
    broadly that it would be very easy to state that they cover this topic,
    Yes, that's the best way to proceed.
    Thanks and sorry for my latencies.
    Best regards,
    RNDr. David Antoš, Ph.D.
    Head of Data Storage Department, CESNET, a. l. e.
    Zikova 4, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Rep. ** http://www.ces.net
    office Brno, Šumavská 15, bldg. B, G322
    phone +420 549 49 4532 ** GSM +420 602 953 079 ** sip:***@***.***

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