Case Statement: Engagement Working Group

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28 May 2013

Case Statement: Engagement Working Group

Re: Case Statement: Engagement Working Group
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:04 pm
by inkouper
An updated version of our case statement for the plenary is attached.

Re: Case Statement: Engagement Working Group

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:35 pm
by inkouper
pwittenburg wrote: ... this is a kind of "meta-topic" which is of great relevance to RDA, but which is not per se a working group with the concrete output we are requesting. It is more a contribution to the RDA culture we need to establish... 
I wouldn't necessarily agree that the group's work pertains to RDA culture only and lacks concrete output. One of the major barriers to the development of good data tools and practices is lack of engagement of researchers in it. In other words, we build something and they don't come. RDA-Engage group proposes to deal with this problem by a) making others aware that data exchanges have to have value for researchers, not just funders and IT developers, b) collecting data cases that show how to embed such a value; c) taking action in changing the culture of working with data and not just the culture of RDA.
Perhaps, we could've stated this more explicitly in our case statement? Suggestions are welcome.

Re: Case Statement: Engagement Working Group

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:34 pm
by pwittenburg
Dear Engagement CWG colleagues,
Here is a bit of comment on the case statement and I should apologies for submitting comments now, although I am mentioned in the list of proposers. But obviously I did not notice this since I was so much involved with other issues. At the Washington meeting when Andrew suggested "engagement" as a topic I supported this idea. Now it is more obvious to me that this is a kind of "meta-topic" which is of great relevance to RDA, but which is not per se a working group with the concrete output we are requesting. It is more a contribution to the RDA culture we need to establish (IETF likes to speak about their Tao - guess I mean something like this when I speak about RDA culture). As you already noticed there was not much interaction yet about this topic.
So I suggest to have a BoF session at the March plenary with the goals to determine the right framework for this (probably an interest group coming up with recommendations for RDA), to define more clear procedures and goals and to see who is interested and wants to participate. I also see the need for the plenary to start a discussion about the RDA culture which will have several facets.
Peter Wittenburg

Re: Case Statement: Engagement Working Group

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:29 pm
by RKanso
The case statement reads very well. Regarding ongoing efforts in the UK, it may be a good idea to liaise and coordinate efforts with the emerging Open Data Institute

Case Statement: Engagement Working Group

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:45 am
by HermanStehouwer
Dear all,
here is the case statement from the engagement working group.
Groups audience: