Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

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29 May 2013

Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories


Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:16 pm
by HermanStehouwer
Dear Community,

We have received the official draft case statement for "Certification of Digital Repositories".

Please provide your comments.

Re: Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:24 pm
by Gary

There is a poster at the Winter ESIP conference in DC that has relevant talks. An example of one of DOIs and associated repositories is: ... 1-05_0.png

Gary Berg-Cross

Re: Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:17 pm
by Ingrid Dillo
Today the draft case statement on Certification of Digital Repositories was discussed in the IDCC13 pre-conference workshop on Europe and the RDA in Amsterdam. Together with another draft case statement it was used as an example to discuss RDA work. The participants were asked the following questions:

• how does the statement match the review criteria?

• you are the council-what is your decision?

• are you interested to engage in this WG?

The overall feeling of the room was that the draft should be approved after some revision. Suggestions for this revision mainly concerned the fact that the deliverables could be formulated more tangible and that the support for the work should be broadened, especially outside Europe.

I was very pleased with these constructive suggestions and with the final conclusion of the room that our topic is an important one when it comes to promote data sharing.

Slides on Certification as a means of providing trust are avaliable on the website of the e-IRG: as a PDF named Assessment of data services.

Ingrid Dillo

Re: Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:08 pm
by Ingrid Dillo
Following my earlier post of 14 January on the outcomes of the RDA Workshop at the IDCC13 in Amsterdam, here is a summary of the discussion of our draft case statement. Please have a look at it. Any further comments on the statement or suggestions for improvements are very welcome!

Comments and questions we received:

Value proposition

• how does certification contribute to data sharing?


• the deliverables need to be more tangible, concrete;

• the framework should be mentioned/part of the deliverables;

• deliverables could be: an increasing number of TDRs worldwide or making certification principles more accepted around the world;

Support/stakeholders/WG membership

• there is too much focus on Europe

• missing are groups like World Data System, Datacite

• more repositories should be engaged in this effort

• where are the researchers themselves/who represents them?

• what is the role of the researchers in this initiative?

Other questions

• what could be the role of non certified repositories?

• what is the object of certification: the repository or the data? 

• what about the quality of the data?

• who performs the certification audits?

Ingrid Dillo

Re: Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:12 pm
by pwittenburg
Dear Ingrid, dear colleagues,

let me also make my personal comments to your Case Statement.

• The issues of certification of data centers is of course an utterly important activity if we want to establish trust in a increasingly anonymous domain of exchanging and re-using data.

• However, your goals seem to be far reaching and more long-term oriented and I miss a clear description of the barrier that is going to be removed. It is not clear given the existence of RAC, DSA etc what the group should achieve as results. 

• In this light let me add that having “strategy development” as deliverable is not concrete and specific enough. 

To me the case statement as it is sounds too much like an overview project which is not an RDA goal in itself.

• You speak about an "integrated certification framework" - not clear what is meant and what it helps overcoming.

• I also miss references to other relevant work for example of WDS etc. and it seems to be based on too much background from EU initiatives.

• It would be good perhaps to start with some community involvement, start real interactions and discussions and define a more concrete objective.

Hope this helps to refine the Case Statement to meet the RDA goals as I understand them, since as said above "certification" is very important.

Peter Wittenburg

MPI Netherlands

Re: Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:48 pm
by peterg
Dear Ingrid and other colleagues:

Because of the considerable work done defining certification standards during the last decade or so, many well-established repositories have devoted resources to review their current policies and to implement these standards. I think the focus on the strategies emphasizing 'training' and 'awareness raising' in the case statement are very important, particularly in the case of smaller and newer repositories. There are many such institutions in the social science survey/statistical data realm, particularly in non-Western countries, which are creating new archival and dissemination mechanisms for their own researchers. These organizations might benefit from a set of BASIC certification standards which would provide them with recommendations to address the needs of their designated communities while keeping implementation costs as low as possible.

Peter Granda


Re: Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:41 am
by Ingrid Dillo
Dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for your valuable comments. We will certainly take them to heart. We have already taken up the point made by Peter that we should interact with the ICSU-WDS. We have submitted a request for a BoF session with WDS colleagues in Gothenburg. During our own WG session we will digest all comments received and refine our scope and deliverables. We now have a worldwide membership in our group and all of this seems an excellent starting point to push the trustworthiness of digital repositories further ahead in the coming period.

If you are interested in joining the BoF session and/or the WG session in Gothenburg you are most welcome. More information on these sessions is available in the March plenary discussion area.

best wishes,

Ingrid Dillo

Re: Case Statement: Certification of Digital Repositories

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:40 am
by dgiaretta
At the splinter session I mentioned a brochure with information about audit costs and benefits -it is available here

The full report about test audits is available at

I hope these are helpful
