1. At RDA P13, the IG Co-chairs introduced a set of TRUST (Transparency, Responsibility, User community, Sustainability, Technology) principles to clarify the relationship between the requirements for a trustworthy data environment placed on repositories and respective requirements for datasets (i.e., FAIR). Initially developed by members of the CoreTrustSeal Board, the RDA community was asked to add their thoughts on the first draft of a white paper (https://bit.ly/2Ih7g8F) with the hope that the principles are further developed and then endorsed by the community. Following on from the IG’s successful breakout at P13, the first part of this meeting will be used to provide an update on the comments received thus far, show the current version of the whitepaper that now includes a number of RDA members as authors, and invite additional feedback and dissemination.
2. The Core Trustworthy Data Repository Requirements—a Recommendation resulting from the Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership WG, and at the heart of the CoreTrustSeal repository certification standard—are a harmonization of the catalogues of criteria of the Data Seal of Approval and World Data System Regular Member certification. These catalogues were both developed based on the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model, and as such, the CoreTrustSeal Requirements and certification are aimed at domain-specific repositories. Nevertheless, CoreTrustSeal has been increasingly approached by ‘generalized’ repositories seeking certification, and the second part of the IG’s breakout at P14 will raise awareness and facilitate discussion around the increasing need for these important components of Global Research Data Infrastructure to be recognized as trustworthy. It will present some of the issues faced by galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs) in undergoing certification, and the work of a WG within CoreTrustSeal to attempt to solve these issues. We invite RDA members representing GLAMs to bring thoughts on what they require from a certification, and whether the solutions proposed will adequately address their needs.
Collaborative session notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jIkx_8I5-kAksGqoX9CGXeclI6TRNCPxClmXrXKfV_8/edit?usp=sharing
1. Welcome and introduction (5 min)
2. Update on TRUST whitepaper (15 min)
3. Discussion (20 min)
4. Presentation: Library experiences of seeking certification (10 min)
5. Presentation: CoreTrustSeal GLAM-Tech Working Group (10 min)
6. Discussion (20 min)
7. Next steps and closure (10 min)
Data repositories managers, science publishers, research funders, researchers.
Convened in 2014, this RDA Interest Group aims to deliver a comprehensive and inclusive overview, as well as the necessary recommendations and requirements that enables the effective implementation, of certification of digital repositories on national, European, and even global levels. It continues to provide a forum for discussion of repository certification principles and, partially through creation of Working Groups, to facilitate the development of principles and practices in the area of repository certification.
This Interest Group has been in existence since the 3rd Plenary Meeting held in March 2014 in Dublin. For a long time it was Co-chaired by Ingrid Dillo and Michael Diepenbroek; however, at the start of 2019, the Chairs were renewed to give the IG some new direction and impetus. The new Co-chairs (Garry Baker, Rorie Edmunds, Dawei Lin, Jonathan Petters) hosted their first breakout session at the recent P13 in Philadelphia, where the concept of the TRUST principles was presented, and which we hope will become something that is ‘owned’ by the community and ultimately a major supporting output of not only the IG but RDA as a whole.
Presentations & notes from P13 Breakout Session: https://www.rd-alliance.org/p13-breakout-session-build-trust-be-fair-emerging-needs-certification-life-sciences-geosciences-and
TRUST Whitepaper: https://bit.ly/2Ih7g8F
CoreTrustSeal Website: https://www.coretrustseal.org
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