13th Plenary Meeting

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01 Apr 2019

RDA Plenary 2-4 Aprile 2019: streaming e partecipazione remota

Se non volete perdervi la 13a Plenary di RDA, a partire da domani, 2 aprile e fino al 4 aprile, potete seguire in streaming e partecipare da remoto alle sessioni

Di seguito i dettagli:

A partire dalle ore 9:00 EDT (ore 15:00 in Italia) del 2 Aprile 2019. 

Live streaming link: https://cdn.digitalservices.online/RDA2019/ 

RDA P13 Call for Posters is open!
14 Feb 2019

RDA P13 Call for Posters is open!

By participating in RDA’s P13 Poster Session, from 2-4 April 2018, you have an excellent opportunity to share your ideas, ongoing research and accomplishments with data professionals from around the globe.

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RDA Unconference/Do-a-thon at P13

07 February 2019 2896 reads

In response to the ongoing conversations about our potential to do more and be more effective as "researchers and innovators openly share data across technologies, disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society", we are trial-running the first RDA unconference at P13.  We hope this will result in; greater numbers of and new collaborations; more interoperability between groups, fields, and data; more open and FAIR data; and more recommendation adoption sucesses within and without of RDA.  All members of the community are welcome to come explore what everyone else is working on, get inspired, find new collaborators, and save yourself time and money discovering great work others have already done, at RDA's first mini unconference/do-athon.  Submit topic suggestions here, and sign up to attend (or just show up) here.
