Mr Nick Jones
Member since: 06/26/2013 - 20:31Short Bio
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Nick is the Director of the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure, a comprehensive eScience investment for the New Zealand research sector. Nick has held advisory and governance roles with a range of research and infrastructure organisations, including Chair of the Board NZ SKA Alliance, and as a member of the Centre of Methods and Policy Application in the Social Sciences. Nick is currently a member of the eResearch Advisory Board for the University of Auckland. Nick has managed and led diverse portfolios of projects to deliver capability and infrastructures, including in eresearch/escience/cyberinfrastructure, high performance computing, grid computing, federated identity management, storage network design and simulation, e-learning and assessment systems development, among others. While focused on research and industry applications of advance ICT, Nick has mentored students and consulted with industry on their technology strategies, with a particular focus on developing Technology Roadmapping skills and capabilities within fast growth IT companies.