Dr Rudolf Husar
Member since: 12/10/2014 - 18:54Short Bio
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Rudolf Husar is Professor of Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis and Director of Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA) since 1976. Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Committees of the US National Academy of Sciences; Committees; EPA's Clean Air Science Advisory Committees; Past Executive Editor of Atmospheric Environment and associate editor 5 other journals. His research interests and community activities cover atmospheric science and environmental informatics. He served as co-lead of the Air Quality Workgroup of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) and as lead of the GEOSS Air Quality Community of Practice (AQ COP). In the areas of practical applications, Husar is the architect of the Federated Data System, DataFed and of the GEO Air Quality Community Catalog.