Mercury Fox

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Mx Mercury Fox

Member since: 03/27/2019 - 03:20
Professional title: 
CEO/Managing Director/Chief Executive
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Science and Technology in Society
Other (professional title): 
Executive Director
Organization name: 
CODATA Center of Excellence in Data for Society at the University of Arizona
Organization type: 
Washington DC
United States

Short Bio

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Merc Fox is a Communities of Practice Fellow with the Online Ethics Center, a Fulbright Specialist in data diplomacy, an NSF Merit Review Panel Fellow, and the founding director of the Center of Excellence in Data for Society, CODATA's first think tank. In these leadership roles, Merc leads data diplomacy initiatives, promotes the rights and responsibilities of individuals through innovative data governance, develops provocative projects that expand the role of data assets and technologies in society, and builds international networks of multi-sector stakeholders to advance data in society frameworks. Merc facilitates cross-functional dialogues in public policy, professional standards, and best practices, while contributing thought leadership related to the enduring and emerging cultural, social, and ethical challenges that data technologies pose. Mx. Fox further leverages special expertise in data diplomacy and collaboratory cultures to advance interdisciplinary research and multilateral science cooperation through an STS practitioner approach.

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