Dr Adam Farquhar
Member since: 09/16/2013 - 11:00Short Bio
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Dr. Farquhar is Head of Digital Scholarship at the British Library, where he focuses on establishing services for scholars and researchers that take full advantage of the possibilities that digital collections present. Previously, he was Head of Digital Library Technology where he co-founded the Library’s Digital Preservation Team (www.bl.uk/dp) and initiated its Dataset Strategy and Programme (www.bl.uk/datasets). He was Co-ordinator and Scientific Director of the EU co-funded Planets Digital Preservation project (www.planets-project.eu) and was a lead architect on the BL's Digital Library System. He is President of DataCite (www.datacite.org), an international association dedicated to making it easier to identify, cite, and reuse scientific data; founder and Board Member of the Open Planets Foundation (www.openplanetsfoundation.org); and serves on the Board of the Digital Preservation Coalition. Prior to joining the Library, he was the principle knowledge management architect for Schlumberger (1998-2003) and research scientist at the Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory (1993-1998). He completed his PhD in Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin (1993). His work focuses on improving the ways in which people can represent, find, share, use, exploit, and preserve digitally encoded knowledge.