Social Sciences

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13 Apr 2015

Metadata Standards Catalog WG


The Metadata Standards Catalog (MSC) Working Group will produce a machine-actionable catalog of metadata standards submitted by all RDA WGs. The catalog system will have an end-user input form and an API for submission from other software. Similarly it will have a user interface for query/reporting and an API for software to query and retrieve suitable standards information. The MSC is a fundamental tool in any autonomic e-research fabric. This work builds on the outputs of the Metadata Standards Directory Working Group: both the Metadata Standards Directory (MSD) itself and the set of attendant use cases.

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Metadata IG

Recognised & Endorsed


The Metadata IG will concern itself with all aspects of metadata for research data. In particular, it will attempt to coordinate the efforts of the WGs concerned with metadata to produce a coherent approach to metadata covering metadata modalities of description, restriction, navigation, provenance, preservation and the use of metadata for the purposes discovery, contextualisation, validation, analytical processing, simulation, visualisation and interoperation. It will also liaise with the other WGs especially Data Foundation and Terminology, PIDs, Standardisation of data categories and codes and Data Citation. This IG activity relates to data management policies and plans of research organisations and researchers, and to policies and standards of research funders and of research communities which may or may not be official standards.

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