Research Data Framework (RDaF) by NIST

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Research Data Framework (RDaF) by NIST
21 Jun 2023

Research Data Framework (RDaF) by NIST


The US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has released Version 1.5 of the Research Data Framework (RDaF), a tool that aims to guide the future of open data access and research data management (RDM) in all disciplines, including the humanities. With active involvement and input from national and international leaders in the research data community, the RDaF provides a customizable strategy for the planning and management of research data. The RDaF is applicable from the organization to the project level, encompassing a wide array of job roles from Executives and Chief Data Officers to publishers, funders, and researchers.
The RDaF is a map of the research data space, taking a lifecycle approach to organize research data-related activities and concepts. Through a community-driven and in-depth process, NIST identified organizational and individual needs and activities tied to research data management. All elements of the research data lifecycle are defined and explained to allow for self-assessment. Informative references provide best practices, standards, and applicable research for research data management and dissemination. Individual researchers and organizations involved in the research data lifecycle will be able to tailor these profiles from the full list of topics and subtopics. To further refine the RDaF, a broader range of stakeholder views is needed. All individuals and organizations who influence research data management and who are influenced by it are respectfully requested to provide their input. 
Please see the full text of the updated Version 1.5 and the Request for Information in the Federal Register. Comments should be submitted to and the deadline for comments is 6 July 2023 5:00pm (EST)