Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions (RDA TIGER): Project kick-off press release

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08 Feb 2023

Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions (RDA TIGER): Project kick-off press release



Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions (RDA TIGER)


08 February 2023, Brussels

RDA TIGER, a support services project for the Research Data Alliance Working Groups (WGs) was launched on the 20th of January 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. 


The RDA TIGER aims to provide services to facilitate and support WGs between key European and international initiatives, resulting in concrete alignment, harmonisation, and standardisation of Open Science developments and technologies globally. 


The project will directly contribute to the European Open Science Cloud Partnership by supporting the international engagement and alignment of policies, technologies, methodologies, practices and other outputs of EOSC-related and other European Open Science developments via the WGs it supports. It will develop and offer a service platform for these WGs, identifying key partners and increasing their work efficiency by facilitation and other support actions.  Ultimately, the project will maximise the impact WG results have on the EOSC, global Open Science, and society. 


The kick-off meeting was attended by all partners: the RDA-Association (coordinator), the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA), Netherlands eScienceCenter, and the Data Archiving and Networking Services (DANS). 


                        1. RDA TIGER Services per Work Package and Working Group stage


RDA TIGER support through the WG lifecycle

More specifically, the project will provide services according to the stage of each WG throughout its lifecycle of eighteen months, from inception to completion: 

  1. Upcoming Working Groups

The project can provide support in FACILITATING the forming the WG by finding WG members in coordination with the new active global engagement and LANDSCAPING analysis service, by helping to COMMUNICATE WG ideas widely and via offering practical help with case statement preparation and output definition. 

  1. Ongoing Working Groups

For ongoing WGs, the project will provide FACILITATION and ORGANISATION services, leading to reduced workload on the WG members and chairs, who can then in turn concentrate on providing their expertise. Other services include communication, writing and editing, and output development services, as well as providing THIRD PARTY GRANTS grants for output testing, development, travel and even external consultancy services. 

  1. Ending/Finished Working Groups 

For ending and finished WGs, the RDA TIGER will provide help on LAST-MILE DEVELOPMENT and writing, output finalisation and adoption, guidance on potential standardisation pathways and help with the (upcoming) RDA Maintenance Facility maintained by DANS. 

Timeline and how to get in touch 

The RDA TIGER team has been hard at work since the kick-off meeting preparing and defining the services offered to the WGs, as shown in image 1.


The first year of the project will focus on onboarding and piloting a number of pre-approved WGs. Following that, the RDA Community will be able to leverage RDA TIGER resources and services directly. More information on the upcoming services will come in the months to follow. 


In the meantime, you can contact the RDA TIGER team, visit the dedicated webpage to find out more about the services as the project progresses - or come meet us at RDA’s 20th Plenary Meeting