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How to Manage Research Data. The handbook for the Croatian community
28 Sep 2020

How to Manage Research Data. The handbook for the Croatian community

As part of the RDA Europe 4.0 project, SRCE - University of Zagreb University Computing Centre become the Croatian national RDA node in 2019. In cooperation with the librarians from the University of Rijeka Library, the University of Split Library, the City and University Library Osijek, and the National and University Library in Zagreb, the handbook for researchers was prepared on how to handle research data for their efficient sharing and reuse.

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Data, data – Big Data! And What? Research Data Alliance
11 Sep 2020

Data, data – Big Data! And What? Research Data Alliance

The idea of ​​open access to research data is wonderful and in harmony with the new paradigm - Open Science. Access to the data is possible for all researchers, system-administrators, pupils and their parents to make unexpected discoveries undiscovered by routine analysis. The dynamics of knowledge acquisition is a complex process whose laws we do not know well yet, and curiosity often does not lead to interesting knowledge (curiosity-driven science ).

The important activity of RDA Bulgarian Node is to persuade large data users to accept proposed standards for data collection, storage and recovery in order to make their exchange possible and useful.

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