RDA UK Node - launch webinar

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12 Dec 2018 UTC

RDA UK Node - launch webinar

12 Dec 2018 - 11:00 UTC

RDA UK is one of nine national nodes, recently established by the RDA Europe 4.0 project, which forms a network of national nodes to foster adoption of RDA outputs in the region, and thereby enable interoperability and data sharing on a global scale. Nodes engage with research communities, support national agendas, contribute to the EU Open Science Strategy, and aim to increase the uptake of standards and participation in RDA globally. In collaboration with a diverse range of national and regional stakeholders, they support the RDA mission of building the technical and social bridges that enable open sharing of data.


The RDA UK node is the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC), supported by Jisc. As part of the project STFC will be running a number of webinars and workshops to promote the work of the RDA and engage with the UK research community. Please join the first webinar on 12 December, from 11 till 12 (UTC/GMT), where the UK national node will be launched and activities and plans will be presented, as well as the work of the RDA. The webinar will include the following speakers and topics:

  • Hilary Hanahoe (RDA Global)
  • Sara Garavelli (RDA Europe project)
  • Juan Bicarregui (RDA UK Node)
  • Kevin Ashley (RDA Organisational Assembly)


The link to join the webinar is https://jisc.zoom.us/j/531467404
If you have any questions please contact Juan Bicarregui (juan.bicarregui@stfc.ac.uk) or Christopher Brown (christopher.brown@jisc.ac.uk).



Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)


Hilary Hanahoe (RDA Global); Sara Garavelli (RDA Europe project); Juan Bicarregui (RDA UK Node); Kevin Ashley (RDA Organisational Assembly)