Nominations, including self-nominations, will be open from 7 March to 5 April.
The updated programme for RDA’s 22nd Plenary Meeting is now available at and includes a detailed schedule of meetings taking place among RDA Working and Interest Groups, Birds of a Feather Sessions and Communities of Practice. Plenary 22 will be a fully virtual meeting, spanning two weeks between 14-23 May 2024.
CoARA ERIP focuses on integrating research ethics and integrity into research assessment policy for data and AI. The meeting will discuss the organization of the working group and its workplan. It contributes to the establishment of a global ethical compass for data and AI in science and innovation.
Meeting format:
Online (Zoom) and in-person at the Palace of the Academies, Hertogstraat 1 Rue Ducale, 1000 Brussels (BE)
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
As reported in earlier communications, a content freeze on the current website will take place to enable the migration of existing data and content. This freeze is scheduled to take place Wednesday, 13 March.
This paper was published by Digital Science, Figshare and Springer Nature, following the release of their State of Open Data Report 2023 and its key recommendations. It is the first time in the nine-year history of The State of Open Data that a supplementary publication has expanded upon the main report’s years of survey results about open data, involving tens of thousands of researchers globally.
This publication was written by RDA’s organisational member, German Data Forum (RatSWD) and its working group "Challenges in the scientific collection and use of unstructured data”.
According to their press release,
– Also Launches Equality and Diversity Programme for RDA Plenaries –
To help you plan your attendance for the 22nd Plenary meeting in May 2024, we invite you to view the programme overview. The overview includes a preview of the dates and times of the main plenary sessions, breakout session slots, and networking opportunities.
Full session descriptions, speakers are still in development and will be communicated in due course.
Following the call for nominations in December 2023 for three open RDA Council positions, the Council Nominations Committee reviewed the submissions received. Four nominees were deemed eligible to enter the 2024 Council elections to be voted on by the RDA community:
NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, is pleased to announce the release of its Research Data Framework (RDaF) Version 2.0, both as a traditional publication and an interactive web application. The RDaF V2.0 is a unique, multifaceted, and customizable tool for the management of research data from an organization-wide to an individual researcher level. Developed with extensive stakeholder input, RDaF V2.0 has the following features and functionality: