RDA Outputs

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RDA Solutions for FAIR Research Workflows
09 Jul 2019

RDA Solutions for FAIR Research Workflows

On the 3rd of July the Athena Research centre, RDA Greek Node Coordinator, organised a workhop on the RDA Outputs and adoption. The workshop aimed to foster uptake of the freely available technical and social challanges of data sharing.  During the workshop an overview of all these solutions, or RDA Recommendations and Outputs as they are called - was given based on the data lifecycle. Feedback from the audience was gathered on related community needs, and potential adoption of RDA outputs, including their usefullness and usability. 

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Views about PID Systems. The Training course

31 May 2016 4731 reads

https://www.rd-alliance.org/sites/default/files/attachment/20160831-RDA_EU_View_on_PID_Systems_Garching-Larry_Lannom-Overview_about_PID_Systems_for_Digital_Objects.pdfThe objective of the training course is to inform participants about the usage of PIDs, the systems that are available and services that can be used. By the end of the course, participants will have a good overview enabling them to participate in registering and resolving PIDs for their purposes.