RDA Newsletter & Announcements

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10 Mar 2016

Upcoming RDA Europe Webinars

Dear all,


We are happy to again announce a number of upcoming webinars.

If you are interested in attending any of these please register on the registration page.

You can register currently for the following Webinars (all taking place at 14:00 CET):

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23 Feb 2016

Slate of Council Candidates for Approval

Dear Members,
The Governance Documents of RDA and the RDA Foundation indicate that Council members are to serve three-year (renewable) terms, with three members selected each year. A Nomination Committee determined by the current Council develops a slate of three candidates each year who are approved by a general election of the membership.

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17 Feb 2016

Council Approves Future Directions Document and We Begin Implementation

Over the last nine or ten months a small, dedicated team has led an extensive community consultation activity to plan the Future Directions of RDA. This resulted in a short document describing 15 major actions in areas of Communications, Engagement, and Coordination. The document defines roles for the membership and RDA’s various governing bodies in implementing these actions. The RDA Council has the responsibility for the future direction of RDA, and they just approved the final document.

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09 Feb 2016

New RDA Outcomes

Dear friends,

I am happy to announce that three of our groups have come up with final outcomes that will hopefully move to Recommendations after review.

The period of community review starts now, and you can find the three candidates here (in Alphabetical order):

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20 Jan 2016

Announcement: New RDA Europe Webinars

Dear friends,

RDA Europe is organising a series of webinars dedicated to the RDA outputs, planned to take place on the third Tuesday of each month. 
The webinars provide participants with the opportunity to find out more about the RDA outputs and RDA Working or Interest Group activities and participate in a conversation around the theme.

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17 Dec 2015

Denver, Colorado to Host International Data Week

From September 11-17, 2016, data professionals and researchers from all disciplines and from across the globe will convene in Denver, Colorado for International Data Week (IDW). The theme of this landmark event is ‘From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilizing the Data Revolution’.

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