RDA Ireland Meet The Experts Webinar - Data Sharing for COVID-19 Research: Recommendations and Guidelines from the RDA COVID-19 Working Group

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29 Jul 2020 UTC

RDA Ireland Meet The Experts Webinar - Data Sharing for COVID-19 Research: Recommendations and Guidelines from the RDA COVID-19 Working Group

29 Jul 2020 - 14:00 UTC


Webinar - 13:00 Irish time / 14:00 CEST

On 30 June 2020, the Research Data Alliance published the final version of the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines on data sharing covering four research areas – clinical data, omics practices, epidemiology and social sciences - complemented by overarching areas focusing on legal and ethical considerations, research software, community participation and Indigenous data.

In this Meet the Experts webinar Dr. Natalie Harrower, DRI Director and RDA COVID-19 Working Group co-chair, together with Timea Biro, co-moderator of the Community Participation sub-group, provided an overview of the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines and the process behind the exceptional community effort that has led to the development of the report and related outputs.

In late March, RDA received a direct request from the European Commission to create global guidelines and recommendations for data sharing under COVID-19 circumstances. Over 600 data professionals and domain experts signed up and began work in early April 2020.

The rich set of detailed guidelines help researchers and data stewards follow best practices to maximise the efficiency of their work, and to act as a blueprint for future emergencies; coupled with recommendations to help policymakers and funders to maximise timely, quality data sharing and appropriate responses in such health emergencies.

View the webinar recording and supporting presentation