Dr | Aalbersberg | IJsbrand Jan | Elsevier | Netherlands |
Mr | Aben | Guido | AARNet | Australia |
Mr | Abreu | David | CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) | Colombia |
Mr | Addison | Aaron | Washington University in St. Louis | United States |
Dr | Aerts | Patrick | NLeSC | Netherlands |
Dr | Agosti | Donat | Plazi GmbH | Switzerland |
Mr | Aguilar | Fernando | IFCA | Spain |
Ms | Ajai-Ajagbe | Patrice | The Association of Commonwealth Universities | United Kingdom |
Ms | Alfredsson | Iris | Swedish National Data Service | Sweden |
Dr | Allison | Lee | Arizona Geological Survey | United States |
Ms | Almas | Bridget | Tufts University | United States |
Prof | Alter | George | ICPSR | United States |
Dr | Anand | Suchith | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
Dr | ANDRE | Francis | CNRS | France |
Dr | Andronico | Giuseppe | INFN | Italy |
Dr | Angelaki | Marina | National Documentation Centre/NHRF | Greece |
Ms | Angevaare | Inge | Koninklijke Bibliotheek | Netherlands |
Dr | Antoš | David | CESNET | Czech Republic |
Dr | Aplin | Steve | DESY | Germany |
Mr | Appleton | Owen | Emergence Tech Limited | United Kingdom |
Mr | Archer | Phil | W3C | United Kingdom |
Prof | Areti | Ramachandra Durga Prasad | Indian Statistical Institute | India |
Dr | Ariño | Arturo H. | University of Navarra | Spain |
Dr | Aryani | Amir | Australian National Data Service | Australia |
Prof | Asch | Mark | Ministry of Higher Education and Research | France |
Mr | Ashley | Kevin | Digital Curation Centre, University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
Dr | Asmi | Ari | University of Helsinki | Finland |
Mrs | Aubin | Sophie | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique | France |
Dr | Austin | Tim | European Commission | Netherlands |
Mr | Baker | Garry | NERC - BGS | United Kingdom |
Mr | Baker | David | CASRAI | Canada |
Mr | Bakker | Martijn | 3TU.Datacentrum | Netherlands |
Mr | Ball | Alex | UKOLN Informatics | United Kingdom |
Dr | Ball | Michael | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | United Kingdom |
Mr | Balster | Eric | CentERdata | Netherlands |
Prof | Bartolo | Laura | Kent State University | United States |
Prof | Baumann | Peter | Jacobs University | Germany |
Ms | bechard | Lorene | CINES | France |
Prof | Becker | Christoph | University of Toronto, Vienna University of Technology | Canada |
Dr | Bekic | Zoran | SRCE - University Computing Center, University of Zagreb | Croatia |
Dr | Benedetti | Fabio | Unimore | Italy |
Mr | Benedikt | Petr | CESNET | Czech Republic |
Mr | Berber | Fatih | GWDG | Germany |
Dr | Berg | Axel | SURFsara | Netherlands |
Dr | Berg-Cross | Gary | Spatial Ontology Community of Practice | United States |
Dr | Berghmans | Stephane | Elsevier | Belgium |
Dr | Berman | Francine | RPI | United States |
Mr | Besemer | Hugo | Wageningen UR | Netherlands |
Dr | Beyan | Oya | NUIG @ Insight | Ireland {Republic} |
Dr | Bhat | Talapady | NIST | United States |
Dr | Bicarregui | Juan | Science and Technolgy Facilities Council | United Kingdom |
Mr | Bijsterbosch | Magchiel | SURFsara | Netherlands |
Mr | Bilder | Geoffrey | CrossRef | United Kingdom |
Dr | Bingert | Sven | GWDG | Germany |
Ms | Biro | Timea | Trust-IT Services | Italy |
Ms | Black | Rachael | Arizona Geological Survey | United States |
Ms | Blanpain | Coline | Lille 1 University Library | France |
Mr | Blatecky | Alan | RTI International | United States |
Dr | Block | William | Cornell University | United States |
Dr | Bonino da Silva Santos | Luiz Olavo | DTL - Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences | Netherlands |
Dr | Borg | Mikael | BILS - Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences | Sweden |
Dr | Borgman | Christine L. | University of California, Los Angeles | United States |
Prof | Bracke | Marianne Stowell | Purdue University | United States |
Mrs | Brady | Mary | National Institute of Standards and Technology | United States |
Mr | Brandsma | Renze | Library of the University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Dr | Brase | Jan | DataCite | Germany |
Mrs | BRASSE | Valerie | IS4RI | France |
Dr | Brauner | Daniela | RNP | Brazil |
Dr | Breton | Vincent | CNRS-IN2P3 | France |
Mr | Brewer | Steve | IT as a Utility Network | United Kingdom |
Mr | Brodhun | Maximilian | Staats- und Universtätsbibliothek Göttingen | Germany |
Mr | Broeder | Daan | TLA - MPI for Psycholinguistics | Netherlands |
Mr | Brown | Christopher | Jisc | United Kingdom |
Mr | Brown | Josh | ORCID EU | France |
Mr | Brown | Mike | Centre for Ecology and Hydrology | United Kingdom |
Dr | Bruch | Christoph | Helmholtz Association | Germany |
Dr | Bruno | Ian | CCDC | United Kingdom |
Mr | Budich | Reinhard | MPI für Meteorologie | Germany |
Mrs | Bulatovic | Natasha | Max Planck Digital Library | Germany |
Dr | Burgueño Arjona | Augusto | European Commission | Belgium |
Dr | Burton | Adrian | Australian National Data Service | Australia |
Ms | Bye | Bente Lilja | BLB | Norway |
Mr | Cacciari | Claudio | CINECA | Italy |
Dr | Callaghan | Sarah | British Atmospheric Data Centre | United Kingdom |
Ms | Callau | Pilar | Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Spain |
Dr | Callou | Cecile | Museum national d'Histoire naturelle | France |
Dr | Caracciolo | Caterina | Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN | Italy |
Mr | Carpenter | Todd | National Information Standards Organization (NISO) | United States |
Dr | Castelli | Donatella | CNR-ISTI | Italy |
Dr | Casula | Miriam | AMC | Netherlands |
Mr | Cave | Benjamin | 21c Research | United Kingdom |
Mr | Chadduck | Robert | The National Science Foundation - US | United States |
Ms | Chandler | Cynthia | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | United States |
Mr | Chang | Wo | NIST | United States |
Dr | Chen | Yin | School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University | United Kingdom |
Mr | Cheruku | Vinay | ITHAKA | United States |
Dr | Choi | Myung-Seok | Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information | Korea South |
Mr | Choudhury | Sayeed | Johns Hopkins University | United States |
Ms | Chu | Wenbo | Group on Earth Observations | Switzerland |
Mr | Chue Hong | Neil | Software Sustainability Institute | United Kingdom |
Ms | Clement | Gail | Texas A&M University | United States |
Mrs | Clements | Anna | University of St Andrews | United Kingdom |
Mr | Cocquet | Patrick | Cap Digital | France |
Dr | Collins | Sandra | Digital Repository of Ireland at the Royal Irish Academy | Ireland {Republic} |
Mr | Cordewener | Bas | Knowledge Exchange | United Kingdom |
Mr | Corsini | Franck | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace - CNRS | France |
Ms | Cos Alvarez | Pilar | Elsevier | Netherlands |
Dr | Costelloe-Kuehn | Brandon | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | United States |
Mr | Coutin | Stephane | CINES | France |
Dr | Crabtree | Dennis | NRC | Canada |
Dr | Craglia | Max | European Commission Joint Research Centre | Italy |
Prof | Crane | Gregory | Tufts University/University of Leipzig | Germany |
Dr | Crosas | Merce | IQSS, Harvard University | United States |
Dr | Dallmeier-Tiessen | Suenje | CERN | Switzerland |
Dr | Danecek | Peter | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome | Italy |
Dr | Darroch | Louise | British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) | United Kingdom |
Dr | David | Sophie | CNRS (TGIR Huma-Num) | France |
Ms | Davidson | Joy | DCC, University of Glasgow | United Kingdom |
Mr | De Bruin | Taco | NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | Netherlands |
Prof | de Laat | Cees | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Mr | de Lange | Jaap | TU Delft Library | Netherlands |
Mrs | de Leeuw | Lisa | Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) | Netherlands |
Ms | de Smaele | Madeleine | 3TU.Datacentrum | Netherlands |
Ms | de Waard | A | Elsevier | United States |
Dr | Debruyne | Christophe | Digital Repository of Ireland - INSIGHT @ NUI Galway | Ireland {Republic} |
Prof | Decker | Stefan | DERi, NUI Galway | Ireland {Republic} |
Dr | Demchenko | Yuri | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Dr | Devare | Medha | CGIAR Consortium Office | France |
Dr | Diepenbroek | Michael | PANGAEA - MARUM/Bremen University | Germany |
Mr | DiLauro | Tim | Johns Hopkins University | United States |
Dr | Dillo | Ingrid | DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) | Netherlands |
Mr | Domingus | Marlon | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands |
Dr | Doorn | Peter | Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) | Netherlands |
Mr | Doove | John | SURF | Netherlands |
Dr | Drakos | Andreas | University of Alcalá | Spain |
Dr | Drude | Sebastian | CLARIN-ERIC | Netherlands |
Mr | Dubin | David | University of Illinois | United States |
Ms | Duerr | Ruth | National Snow and Ice Data Center | United States |
Mr | Dumon | Olivier | Elsevier | Netherlands |
Dr | Dupuis | Marc | SURF | Netherlands |
Mrs | DZALE YEUMO KABORE | Esther | INRA | France |
Dr | Egli | Stephan | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland |
Dr | Egloff | Willi | Plazi GmbH | Switzerland |
Dr | El Bitar | Ziad | Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien | France |
Dr | Elag | Mostafa | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States |
Mr | Elbers | Willem | Max Planck Institue for Psycholinguistics | Netherlands |
Dr | Elger | Kirsten | GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences | Germany |
Mr | Ellenbroek | Anton | FAO of the UN | Italy |
Mrs | Elsenga | Christina | University of Groningen | Netherlands |
Ms | Evrard | Maud | Science Europe | Belgium |
Dr | Farquhar | Adam | The British Library | United Kingdom |
Dr | Ferrari | Tiziana | European Grid Initiative (EGI.eu) | Netherlands |
Mr | Fiameni | Giuseppe | CINECA | Italy |
Dr | Fink | Anne Sofie | Danish Data Archive / Danish State Archives | Denmark |
Dr | Flann | Christina | Species 2000 | Netherlands |
Mrs | Florio | Licia | TERENA | Netherlands |
Dr | Fontaine | Kathleen | RPI | United States |
Prof | Fortun | Mike | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | United States |
Ms | Fotland | Margaret Louise | University of Oslo | Norway |
Prof | Fox | Geoffrey | Indiana University | United States |
Prof | Fox | Mark | University of Toronto | Canada |
Prof | Fox | Peter | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | United States |
Mr | Fransen | Hans | Leiden University | Netherlands |
Dr | Freire | Nuno | The European Library | Portugal |
Ms | Fukuyama | Julie | National Diet Library | Japan |
Mr | Fulss | Richard | CIMMYT | Mexico |
Dr | Gavrilis | Dimitris | Digital Curation Unit - IMIS, Athena Research Center | Greece |
Mr | Geelen | Jeremy | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada | Canada |
Dr | Geers | Glenn | National ICT Australia | Australia |
Mrs | Geneviève | Romier | CNRS Institut des Grilles et du Cloud | France |
Dr | Genova | Francoise | Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg - CNRS | France |
Ms | Gerry | Inspiratrice | inspiratrice Ms. Gerry | Netherlands |
Dr | Giaretta | David | Alliance for Permanent Access | United Kingdom |
Mr | Girerd | Mathieu | French National Research Agency (ANR) | France |
Ms | Glaves | Helen | British Geological Survey | United Kingdom |
Prof | Goble | Carole | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom |
Mr | Goetz | Markus | Helmholtz Gesellschalft - Forschungszentrum Juelich | Germany |
Mr | Goldberg | Maarten | University of Groningen | Netherlands |
Mr | Goldstein | Stéphane | Research Information Network | United Kingdom |
Ms | Grant | Rebecca | Digital Repository of Ireland | Ireland {Republic} |
Ms | Green | Jennifer | University of Michigan Library | United States |
Prof | Greenberg | Jane | Drexel University | United States |
Dr | Greenberg | Joshua | Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | United States |
Dr | Greer | Christopher | Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology | United States |
Mr | Grenier | Gerry | IEEE, Inc. | United States |
Mr | Griffin | Tom | Science and Technology Facilities Council | United Kingdom |
Dr | Groth | Paul | VU University Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Mr | Gruttemeier | Herbert | INIST-CNRS | France |
Dr | Guru | Siddeswara | University of queensland | Australia |
Prof | Gutmann | Myron | University of Colorado | United States |
Dr | Haak | Laurel | ORCID | United States |
Prof | Hahnel | Mark | figshare | United Kingdom |
Mr | Hakala | Juha | The National Library of Finland | Finland |
Mr | Hall | Jamie | Institut Laue-Langevin | France |
Mrs | Hanahoe | Hilary | Trust-IT Services Ltd. | United Kingdom |
Dr | Hanisch | Robert | National Institute of Standards and Technology | United States |
Dr | Hardt | Marcus | Helmholtz - KIT | Germany |
Mr | Harrison | Matthew | British Geological Survey | United Kingdom |
Dr | Harrison | Andrew | University of Essex | United Kingdom |
Dr | Harrower | Natalie | Digital Repository of Ireland | Ireland {Republic} |
Mrs | Hausstein | Brigitte | GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences | Germany |
Prof | Hazeleger | Wilco | Netherlands eScience Center | Netherlands |
Mr | Hebing | Marcel | DIW Berlin | Germany |
Mr | Heerlien | Maarten | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | Netherlands |
Mr | Heesakkers | Driek | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Dr | Heravi | Bahareh | INSIGHT @NUI Galway (DERI) | Ireland {Republic} |
Mr | Herrera de la Cruz | Jesús | CIMMYT | Mexico |
Ms | Herterich | Patricia | CERN | Switzerland |
Mr | Hess | Philipp | Ex Libris | Germany |
Dr | Hey | Anthony | Microsoft Research | United States |
Mr | Heyrovsky | Albert | Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK | United Kingdom |
Prof | Hildreth | Michael | University of Notre Dame | United States |
Dr | Hodge | Amy | Stanford University | United States |
Dr | Hodson | Simon | CODATA | France |
Mrs | Hologne | Odile | Inra | France |
Mr | Holsinger | Sy | EGI.eu | Italy |
Dr | Hooft | Rob | Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences | Netherlands |
Ms | Hormia-Poutanen | Kristiina | National Library of Finland | Finland |
Dr | Horstmann | Wolfram | State und University Library Goettingen | Germany |
Mr | HUGO | Wim | SAEON | South Africa |
Mr | Huh | Taesnag | KISTI | Korea South |
Prof | Hunter | Jane | The University of Queensland | Australia |
Prof | Jacobsen | Chris | Argonne Lab/Northwestern University | United States |
Mrs | Jacquemot-Perbal | Marie-Christine | INIST-CNRS | France |
Ms | Jakobsson | Anni | CSC | Finland |
Mrs | Jannès-Ober | Emmanuelle | Irstea | France |
Prof | Jeffery | Keith | Keith G Jeffery Consultants | United Kingdom |
Mr | Jejkal | Thomas | Helmholtz - KIT | Germany |
Mr | Jerlehag | Birger | Swedish National Data Service, SND | Sweden |
Mrs | Jetten | Mijke | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands |
Mr | Jimenez | Rafael C | ELIXIR | United Kingdom |
Dr | Joerg | Brigitte | Thomson Reuters | United Kingdom |
Ms | Johnsen | Åsa | SMHI | Sweden |
Ms | Jones | Sarah | Digital Curation Centre | United Kingdom |
Dr | Journeau | Phil | ResearXis-Discinnet-I4OpenResearch | France |
Dr | Jung | Christopher | KIT | Germany |
Dr | Kahn | Robert | Corporation for National Research Initiatives | United States |
Mr | Kamocki | Pawel | IDS Mannheim | Germany |
Dr | Karagiannis | Fotis | Independent | Greece |
Dr | Katsanidou | Alexia | CESSDA - GESIS | Germany |
Dr | Kelsey | David | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | United Kingdom |
Ms | Kenall | Amye | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
Mr | Keskitalo | Esa-Pekka | National Library of Finland | Finland |
Dr | Kethers | Stefanie | Australian National Data Service | Australia |
Mr | Keuchkerian | Samuel | CNRS IDGC | France |
Dr | Khuhro | Zain-ul-Abdin | University of Sindh, Pakistan | Pakistan |
Mr | Kidd | Richard | Royal Society of Chemistry | United Kingdom |
Dr | King | David | Open University | United Kingdom |
Dr | Klas | Claus-Peter | GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences | Germany |
Dr | Klingenstein | Kenneth | Internet2 | United States |
Dr | Koers | Hylke | Elsevier | Netherlands |
Mr | Kojima | Isao | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST). | Japan |
Mr | Konijn | Jacco | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Mrs | Konitzer | Kerstin | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute / SMHI | Sweden |
Ms | Koskela | Rebecca | DataONE | United States |
Mr | Koski | Kimmo | CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. | Finland |
Dr | Kotanski | Jan | DESY | Germany |
Dr | Kouis | Dimitris | National Technical University of Athens | Greece |
Dr | Kouper | Inna | Data to Insight Center, Indiana University | United States |
Dr | Koureas | Dimitrios | Natural History Museum London | United Kingdom |
Dr | KOYAMA | Yukinobu | Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University | Japan |
Ms | Kraaikamp | Emilie | DANS | Netherlands |
Dr | Kracht | Thorsten | DESY | Germany |
Mr | Krahl | Rolf | Helmholtz - HZB | Germany |
Ms | Krakowian | Malgorzata | EGI.eu | Netherlands |
Mr | Kramer | Stefan | The American University | United States |
Mrs | KRATZ | Isabelle | EPFL | Switzerland |
Dr | Kratz | John | California Digital Library | United States |
Mr | Krause | Jan | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lauanne (EPFL) | Switzerland |
Ms | Krohn | Anna | Perseus Digital Library | United States |
Mr | Kuijten | Lennard | CentERdata | Netherlands |
Ms | Kunz | Renate | FORS | Switzerland |
Dr | Kuo | Kwo-Sen | Bayesics, LLC | United States |
Ms | Kupiainen | Irina | CSC - IT Center for Science ltd. | Finland |
Mr | Kurzawe | Daniel | Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) | Germany |
Mrs | Kvale | Live | Univerity of Oslo Library | Norway |
Mr | Kálmán | Tibor | GWDG / EPIC | Germany |
Mr | L'Abate | Giovanni | Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura (CRA-ABP) Research centre for agrobiology and pedology | Italy |
Mr | Lambert | Simon | Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) | United Kingdom |
Ms | Lanius | Candice | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | United States |
Dr | Larkin | Jennie | NIH | United States |
Dr | Larsson | Krister | MAX IV Laboratory | Sweden |
Dr | Lauriault | Tracey P. | Programmable City Project | Ireland {Republic} |
Dr | Lautenschlager | Michael | DKRZ - German Climate Computing Centre | Germany |
Dr | Le Franc | Yann | e-Science Data Factory | France |
Dr | Lecarpentier | Damien | CSC IT Center for Science | Finland |
Mr | Lee | SangHwan | KISTI | Korea South |
Mr | LEGRE | Yannick | EGI.eu | Netherlands |
Dr | Lehnert | Kerstin | Columbia University, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory | United States |
Dr | Lesteven | Soizick | CNRS -Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg Centre de Données de Strasbourg (CDS) - France | France |
Dr | Lin | Jennifer | PLOS | United States |
Dr | Linden | Mikael | CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd | Finland |
Ms | Ling | Yuan | Drexel University | United States |
Mrs | Llosent | Maria | Universidad de Alcala | Spain |
Mr | Llurba | Rossend | NWO/EW | Netherlands |
Mr | Los | Wouter | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Dr | Lovas | Robert | MTA SZTAKI | Hungary |
Dr | Lukkarinen | Ari | CSC - IT Center for Science | Finland |
Dr | Macario | Ana | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research | Germany |
Mr | Macdonald | Stuart | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
Prof | Madalli | Devika | Indian Statistical Institute | India |
Mr | MAFFEI | Andrew | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | United States |
Mr | Malkoc | Berkin | Miletos | Turkey |
Mr | Manepalli | Giridhar | Corporation for National Research Initiatives | United States |
Dr | Manghi | Paolo | CNR-ISTI | Italy |
Mr | Manieri | Andrea | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa | Italy |
Mr | Mannocci | Andrea | ISTI-CNR | Italy |
Ms | Manola | Natalia | Athena Research Center | Greece |
Dr | Marcello | Maggi | INFN | Italy |
Dr | Marmanis | Haralambos | Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. | United States |
Ms | Martin | Rachel | Elsevier | Netherlands |
Ms | MARTIN | Chloé | CNRS | France |
Ms | Martin | Caroline | IRSTEA | France |
Mrs | Massa | Beth | Microsoft | Netherlands |
Ms | MASSOL | Marion | CINES (Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Supérieur) | France |
Mr | Matteis | Luca | Bioversity International | Italy |
Dr | Matthews | Brian | STFC | United Kingdom |
Mr | McCallum | Bruce | New Zealand Mission to the European Union | New Zealand |
Dr | McEntyre | Jo | EMBL-EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute) | United Kingdom |
Ms | McLaughlin | Clare | Australian Embassy and Mission to the EU | Australia |
Ms | Meleco | Yolanda | RDA/US | United States |
Mr | Memon | Shahbaz | Juelich Supercomputing Centre | Germany |
Dr | Memon | Farhat Naureen | University of Sindh, Pakistan | Pakistan |
Mr | Menist | Boy | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Mrs | Messelink | Maaike | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands |
Dr | Meyer | Jörg | Helmholtz KIT | Germany |
Dr | Meyer-Doerpinghaus | Ulrich | Hochschulrektorenkonferenz | Germany |
Dr | Michener | William | University Libraries | United States |
Mr | Middleton | Don | National Center for Atmospheric Research (USA) | United States |
Mr | Mills | Alistair | Science and Technology Facilities Council | United Kingdom |
Mrs | Milojevic Jevric | Marija | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland {Republic} |
Dr | Minion | Joel | University of Bristol | United Kingdom |
Dr | Missier | Paolo | Newcastle University | United Kingdom |
Mr | Mitchell | Mark | Urban Big Data Centre | United Kingdom |
Prof | Mochmann | Ingvill Constanze | GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences | Germany |
Dr | Mokrane | Mustapha | ICSU World Data System | Japan |
Ms | Molloy | Laura | University of Glasgow / DCC | United Kingdom |
Prof | Mons | Barend | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands |
Dr | Moore | Reagan | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | United States |
Mr | Morais Pires | Carlos | European Commission | Belgium |
Ms | Morrissey | Sheila | ITHAKA | United States |
Mrs | Moysan | Magalie | Université Paris Diderot | France |
Prof | Murayama | Yasuhiro | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | Japan |
Mrs | Mwambipile | Rehema | Applied Technology Ltd | Tanzania |
Dr | Müller-Pfefferkorn | Ralph | Technische Universität Dresden, Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing | Germany |
Prof | Namachchivaya | Beth Sandore | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States |
Dr | Nativi | Stefano | National Research Council of Italy | Italy |
Mrs | Neerut | Lilian | Univeristy of Tartu Library | Estonia |
Ms | Newbold | Elizabeth | British Library | United Kingdom |
Ms | Ng | Helen | World Council on City Data | Canada |
Mr | Nicolai | Johannes | University of Groningen | Netherlands |
Dr | Nooren | Irene | SURFsara | Netherlands |
Mr | Nowinski | Aleksander | Interdisciplinary center for mathematical and computational modelling, Warsaw University | Poland |
Ms | Nurnberger | Amy | Columbia University | United States |
Dr | Nyrönen | Tommi | CSC | Finland |
Mrs | Oellers | Claudia | RatSWD | Germany |
Mr | Ono | Masafumi | The University of Tokyo | Japan |
Mr | Osinski | Leon | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
Ms | Paglione | Laura | ORCID, Inc | United States |
Dr | Palucha | Sebastian | Durham University | United Kingdom |
Mrs | Panagou | Eleni | Democritus University of Thrace, Polytechnic School | Greece |
Dr | Panov | Panče | Jožef Stefan Institute | Slovenia |
Dr | Pansanel | Jerome | CNRS | France |
Mr | Park | Geunchul | KISTI | Korea South |
Mr | Parsons | Mark | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | United States |
Dr | Pascal | Dugenie | CINES | France |
Mr | Patnode | Rene | UCSD | United States |
Dr | Pearlman | Jay | J&F Enterprise | United States |
Mrs | Pearlman | Francoise | J&F enterprise | United States |
Mr | Pempe | Wolfgang | DFN | Germany |
Prof | Penev | Lyubomir | Pensoft Publishers Ltd | Bulgaria |
Dr | Pennington | Rob | NCSA/University of Illinois | United States |
Dr | Perego | Andrea | European Commission - Joint Research Centre | Italy |
Dr | Perez Canhos | Vanderlei | CRIA - Reference Centre on Environmental Information, Brazil | Brazil |
Mr | Perrin | Jean-François | Institut Max Von Laue - Paul Langevin | France |
Prof | Persson | Bengt | BILS -- Bioinformatics Infrastructure of Life Sciences and ELIXIR Swedish Node | Sweden |
Ms | Pesce | Valeria | Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) | Italy |
Prof | Petrauskaitė | Rūta | Research Council of Lithuania | Lithuania |
Prof | Pettit | Chris | Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network | Australia |
Dr | Pfeiffenberger | Hans | Helmholtz - Alfred Wegener Institut | Germany |
Mr | Piperidis | Stelios | "Athena" RC | Greece |
Prof | Plaat | Aske | Leiden University | Netherlands |
Prof | Plale | Beth | Indiana University | United States |
Dr | Plante | Raymond | National Center for Supercomputing Applications/University of Illinois | United States |
Mr | Pohl | Christof | GWDG | Germany |
Ms | Pourmal | Elena | The HDF Group | United States |
Mr | Prabhune | Ajinkya | KIT | Germany |
Mr | Priddy | Mike | DANS | Netherlands |
Mr | Proell | Stefan | SBA Research | Austria |
Dr | Proffen | Thomas | OaK Ridge National Laboratory | United States |
Ms | Proudman | Vanessa | Proud2Know | Netherlands |
Dr | Pulford | Bill | Diamond Light Source | United Kingdom |
Mr | Purcell | Andrew | iSGTW | Switzerland |
Ms | Qualters | Irene | National Science Foundation | United States |
Mr | Quick | Robert | Indaina University | United States |
Dr | Ramamurthy | Mohan | UCAR/Unidata | United States |
Ms | Ramdeen | Sarah | UNC at Chapel Hill SILS | United States |
Dr | Raseroka | Helen Kay | University of Botswana retired librarian | Botswana |
Ms | Rathbun | Susan | San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD | United States |
Dr | Rauber | Andreas | Vienna University of Technology | Austria |
Mr | Rawson | Kennett | IEEE | United States |
Ms | Raymond | Lisa | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | United States |
Dr | Rees | Nicholas | Diamond Light Source | United Kingdom |
Dr | Reetz | Johannes | RZG / Max Planck Society | Germany |
Ms | Reilly | Susan | LIBER | Netherlands |
Ms | Rettberg | Najla | University of Göttingen | Germany |
Ms | Rice | Robin | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
Mr | Riestra | Ruben | INMARK | Spain |
Mr | Ritschel | Bernd | GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences | Germany |
Dr | Ritz | Raphael | RZG - Max Planck Society | Germany |
Mr | Robinson | Nigel | Thomson Reuters | United Kingdom |
Mr | Rodenas | Pablo | BSC-CNS | Spain |
Mr | Roelofs | Erik | MAASTRO clinic / Maastricht University Medical Center | Netherlands |
Mr | Rohrer | Christian | SWITCH | Switzerland |
Mr | Rombouts | Jeroen | 3TU.Datacentrum / TU Delft | Netherlands |
Mr | Roodhart | JR | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Dr | Roos | Marco | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands |
Dr | Rosato | Antonio | University of Florence | Italy |
Mr | Ruiz | Sergio | DataCite | United Kingdom |
Mr | Runge | Thomas | RatSWD | Germany |
Ms | Saini | Mandeep | DANTE | United Kingdom |
Ms | Sandberg | Marie | CSC | Finland |
Dr | Sansone | Susanna-Assunta | University of Oxford and Nature Publishing Group | United Kingdom |
Mr | Schaaff | Andre | CNRS / CDS | France |
Dr | Schade | David | Canadian Astronomy Data Centre | Canada |
Dr | Scharnhorst | Andrea | DANS - KNAW | Netherlands |
Mr | Schentz | Herbert | Environment Agency Austria | Austria |
Dr | Scherle | Ryan | Dryad Digital Repository | United States |
Mr | Schindler | Uwe | PANGAEA | Germany |
Mr | Schirrwagen | Jochen | Bielefeld University | Germany |
Dr | Schluenzen | Frank | DESY | Germany |
Dr | Schmidt | Birgit | University of Goettingen / Goettingen State and University Library | Germany |
Dr | Schmunk | Stefan | Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen | Germany |
Mr | Schofield | Brook | TERENA | Netherlands |
Mr | Schubert | Svante | Chair, OASIS ODF Advanced Collaboration Subcomittee | Germany |
Ms | Schumann | Natascha | GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences | Germany |
Prof | Schutz | Bernard | Albert Einstein Institute | Germany |
Dr | Schwardmann | Ulrich | GWDG | Germany |
Dr | Schäfer | Angela | Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Germany |
Dr | Schäfer-Neth | Christian | Helmholtz / AWI | Germany |
Dr | Scott | John Henry | NIST | United States |
Prof | Seidel | Edward | NCSA/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States |
Dr | Seinstra | Frank | Netherlands eScience Center | Netherlands |
Dr | Shanahan | Hugh | Royal Holloway, University of London | United Kingdom |
Ms | Shearer | Kathleen | Confederation of Open Access Repositories | Canada |
Mr | Shell | Joe | Mendeley / Elsevier | United Kingdom |
Mr | Shepherd | Adam | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | United States |
Dr | Shiers | Jamie | CERN | Switzerland |
Dr | Shimizu | Toshiyuki | Kyoto University | Japan |
Dr | Sicilia | Miguel-Angel | University of Alcalá | Spain |
Dr | Siebert | Mark | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands |
Mrs | Sierman | Barbara | KB National Library of the Netherlands | Netherlands |
Mr | Sipos | Gergely | EGI.eu | Netherlands |
Mrs | Smit | Eefke | Int Assoc STM Publishers | Netherlands |
Mr | Solagna | Peter | EGI.eu | Netherlands |
Mrs | Staiger | Christine | SURFsara | Netherlands |
Prof | Stanchev | Peter | Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria |
Dr | Stanton | Michael | Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - RNP | Brazil |
Dr | Stehouwer | Herman | RZG | Netherlands |
Mr | Stewart | Walter | Rsearch Data Canada | Canada |
Dr | Stockhause | Martina | WDC Climate | Germany |
Prof | Stodden | Victoria | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States |
Dr | Stotzka | Rainer | Helmholtz - KIT | Germany |
Dr | Strobbe | Francis | Belgian Marine Data Centre | RBINS | Belgium |
Mrs | Subirats Coll | Imma | FAO of the United Nations | Italy |
Dr | Sundquist | Heikki | Miktech Oy | Finland |
Dr | Sung | Won-Kyung | Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information | Korea South |
Mr | Suriarachchi | Isuru | Indiana University | United States |
Dr | Svensson | Lars G. | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Germany |
Mr | Swift | Colin | SemBerry LTD | Italy |
Mr | Sylwestrzak | Wojtek | ICM, University of Warsaw | Poland |
Ms | Tang | Wing | Inter IKEA Systems B.V. | Netherlands |
Mrs | Tarkpea | Tiiu | University of Tartu Library | Estonia |
Dr | Tedds | Jonathan | University of Leicester | United Kingdom |
Dr | Thessen | Anne | The Data Detektiv | United States |
Dr | Tomlinson | Christopher | Imperial Collge London | United Kingdom |
Ms | Tonne | Danah | Helmholtz - KIT | Germany |
Dr | Toussaint | Frank | DKRZ / WDC Climate | Germany |
Mr | Towns | John | NCSA/XSEDE | United States |
Dr | Treloar | Andrew | Australian National Data Service | Australia |
Mr | Trilsbeek | Paul | The Language Archive, MPI for Psycholinguistics | Netherlands |
Dr | Tsoukala | Victoria | National Documentation Centre | Greece |
Mr | Tsunematsu | Naoyuki | Japan Science and Technology Agency | Japan |
Mr | Uhlir | Paul | National Academy of Sciences | United States |
Dr | Vahed | Anwar | CSIR | South Africa |
Dr | van Bentum | Maarten | University of Twente | Netherlands |
Dr | van Daalen | Mirjam | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland |
Dr | Van de Putte | Anton | Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences | Belgium |
Mr | van de Sanden | Mark | SURFsara | Netherlands |
Dr | Van den Eynden | Veerle | UK Data Archive | United Kingdom |
Prof | van den Herik | Jaap | LIACS, Leiden University | Netherlands |
Dr | van Denderen | Janneke | VUmc | Netherlands |
Mrs | van der Heijden | Marianne | NIOO-KNAW | Netherlands |
Mrs | van der Kuil | Annemiek | 3TU.Datacenter | TU Delft | Netherlands |
Mr | van der West | Jan | DANS-KNAW | Netherlands |
Mr | van Dijk | Niels | SURFnet bv | Netherlands |
Dr | van Dijk | Paul | SURFnet | Netherlands |
Mrs | van Meegen | Ana | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Mr | van Piggelen | Hans | SURFsara | Netherlands |
Dr | van Selm | Mariëtte | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Mr | Van Uytvanck | Dieter | CLARIN | Netherlands |
Mrs | van Wezenbeek | Wilma | TU Delft Library | Netherlands |
Mr | Vanderfeesten | Maurice | 3TU.Datacenter / TU Delft | Netherlands |
Dr | Vardeman II | Charles | University of Notre Dame | United States |
Ms | Vardigan | Mary | ICPSR | United States |
Dr | Venkatesan | Aravind | LIRMM (IBC) | France |
Ms | Verbakel | Ellen | 3TU.Datacentrum/RDNL | Netherlands |
Mr | Vicente | David | BSC-CNS | Spain |
Mr | Viljoen | Matthew | STFC | United Kingdom |
Mr | Vondrous | Alexander | Helmholtz - KIT | Germany |
Dr | Voorham | Rinus | VU University Medical Center | Netherlands |
Dr | Väätäjä | Heli | Tampere University of Technology | Finland |
Dr | Waddington | Simon | King's College London | United Kingdom |
Dr | Ward | Charles | Air Force Research Laboratory | United States |
Dr | Warren | James | NIST | United States |
Mr | Wartel | Romain | CERN | Switzerland |
Mr | Watkins | John | Centre for Ecology & Hydrology UK | United Kingdom |
Prof | Wedlich | Doris | KIT - Karlsruhe Institute for Technology | Germany |
Mr | Weigel | Tobias | German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) | Germany |
Mr | Weiss | Paul | University of Washington Information School | United States |
Dr | Whan | Alex | CSIRO | Australia |
Dr | Whyte | Angus | Digital Curation Centre | United Kingdom |
Mr | Wilcox | David | DuraSpace | Canada |
Dr | Wilkinson | Ross | Australian National Data Service | Australia |
Dr | Wilson | James | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
Dr | Winkler-Nees | Stefan | German Research Foundation (DFG) | Germany |
Dr | Wintersberger | Eugen | DESY | Germany |
Prof | Witt | Michael | Purdue University | United States |
Dr | Wittenburg | Peter | Max Planck Society | Netherlands |
Dr | wolff | stephen | Internet2 | United States |
Dr | Wood | John | Association of Commonwealth Universities | United Kingdom |
Prof | Worring | Marcel | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Prof | Wright | Colin J | CSIR Meraka Institute, CSIR | South Africa |
Dr | Wuttke | Joachim | Forschungszentrum Jülich | Germany |
Dr | Xian | Guojian | Chinese Academay of Agriculture Sciences | China |
Ms | YANG | LILI | Huawei | China |
Mrs | Zamani | Themis | GRNET S.A. | Greece |
Dr | Zastrow | Thomas | RZG | Germany |
Dr | Zhang | Xuefu | Agriculture Information Institute, CAAS | China |
Dr | Zhao | Jun | Lancaster University | United Kingdom |
Dr | Zhao | Zhiming | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Ms | Zheng | Kexue | Royal Holloway, University of London | United Kingdom |
Dr | Öster | Per | CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd | Finland |