RatSWD [German Data Forum] Announces Publication titled “Collection and Use of Unstructured Data in the Social, Behavioural, and Economic Sciences”

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05 Mar 2024

RatSWD [German Data Forum] Announces Publication titled “Collection and Use of Unstructured Data in the Social, Behavioural, and Economic Sciences”

This publication was written by RDA’s organisational member, German Data Forum (RatSWD) and its working group "Challenges in the scientific collection and use of unstructured data”.

 According to their press release,

Twitter messages, Instagram pictures, and other traces of digital life emerge every day almost everywhere in the world. They are not only interesting for us and our immediate environment, but also enable research to answer important questions. However, this data is unstructured and fundamentally different from other data sources.

In this publication, the authors describe the challenges of dealing with unstructured data.

View the German and English versions of this publication.