TRUST Principles and challenges on implementation

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30 Jul 2021
Group(s) submitting the application: 
Meeting objectives: 
  • Discuss/introduce a proposed framework to clarify relationships between the TRUST principles, other principle frameworks (e.g. FAIR, CARE), established repository certification processes, metrics. 

  • Hear perspectives from all three digital repository certification bodies (nestor, CoreTrustSeal, ISO 16363) to update on their processes, and introduce them to newcomers.

  • Propose TRUST Principles implementation Working Group

  • Discussions of case statement development for TRUST Principles implementation Working Group will continue in related BoF session on November 10th

Meeting agenda: 

Collaborative session notes:

  1. Welcome and introduction (5 min) - IG Co-chairs

  2. Presentation: TRUST Principles and challenges on implementation (5 min).

  3. Presentation: Proposed framework to clarify relationships between the TRUST principles, other principle frameworks (e.g. FAIR, CARE), established certification processes, metrics (10 min).

  4. Presentation: Perspectives of certification bodies on their implementation of the TRUST principles (3 speakers, 5 min each). 

  5. Discussion: Towards a TRUST Principles implementation Working Group (40 min)

    1. Value proposition for the group

    2. Identifying stakeholders for TRUST Principles implementation (e.g. funders, repositories, certification bodies)

    3. Mapping TRUST principles formally to existing certification processes

    4. Continuing discussions in related BoF session on November 10th

  6. Next steps and closures (5 min) - IG co-chair

Target Audience: 

 Data repositories managers, science publishers, research funders, researchers


Group chair serving as contact person: 
Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

Convened in 2014, this RDA Interest Group aims to deliver a comprehensive and inclusive overview, as well as the necessary recommendations and requirements that enables the effective implementation of certification of digital repositories on national, European, and even global levels. It continues to provide a forum for discussion of repository certification principles and, partially through creation of Working Groups, to facilitate the development of principles and practices in the area of repository certification.


Short Group Status: 

This Interest Group has been in existence since the 3rd Plenary Meeting held in March 2014 in Dublin. One its primary achievements has been to act as the umbrella of two joint RDA Working Groups:

  • Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership WG

  • WDS/RDA Assessment of Data Fitness for Use WG

The IG was initially Co-chaired by Ingrid Dillo and Michael Diepenbroek. Garry Baker, Rorie Edmunds, Dawei Lin, and Jonathan Petters then took on the role of Chairs at the start of 2019. The new Co-chairs have hosted breakout sessions at P13, P14, VP16, and VP17 with the major foci thus far being a) to introduce the concept of the TRUST Principles that are expected to become an RDA supporting output, b) how established repository certification processes relate to the TRUST principles, and c) the issues faced by non-domain repositories in becoming acknowledged as trustworthy components of global research data infrastructure.


Type of Meeting: 
Informative meeting
Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 
Avoid conflict with the following group (2): 
Meeting presenters: 
Wim Hugo, David Giaretta, CoreTrustSeal rep (TBD), Michelle Lindlar (TiB), Dawei Lin
Contact for group (email):