To update the group progress
To discuss new task forces
Collaborative session notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IalqtclDzVRkYB63HQkTAofxymT_3S_2TSZi7y7E1gg/edit?usp=sharing
Introduction of the group (10 minutes)
Discussion on short-term activities on the open topics (60 minutes)
Metadata enrichment for discovery, for example, using upper-level ontologies
Possible introductory talk: Mingfang Wu
Suggested scope:
Identify existing resources, their purposes, problems that they are designed to address, domains where used, examples of successful application.
Challenges or difficulties, e.g. in applying specific controlled vocabularies or upper-level ontologies
Potential tasks:
Identify existing surveys that could be used as input
Might require the design of a new survey, tailored to the particular questions
Expected outcomes of the session discussion:
Agreement on Scope
Discuss possible tasks
Potential leads
Machine learning for data discovery, for example, topic modelling
Possible introductory talk:
Suggested scope:
Doing a landscape of ML solutions, either a survey of repositories or document/literature review, from perspectives (taking into consideration all stakeholders, i.e. researchers, librarians, citizen scientists, etc) / activities / efforts that are assisting / facilitating Data Discovery. Based on the landscape, identify best practices across multiple domains
Examination of how ML models trained for data discovery can be described and shared.
How to ensure that repositories can facilitate ML-based workflows while avoiding potential biases (resulting from only certain subsets of relevant data being discovered).
Facilitate (semi-)automated processes (e.g. recommendation) in repositories for identifying items of interest from user perspective.
Potential tasks:
Landscape performed as a literature review, and/or a survey of repositories
A best-practices document, that can be consequently transformed into a recommendations document.
Expected outcomes of the session discussion:
Agreement on Scope
Discuss possible tasks
Potential leads
User study / meta-research/analysis of data discovery interviews
Possible introductory talk: Kathleen
Suggested scope:
Revisit the prior efforts on user study interviews/surveys
Meta analysis / research of the efforts.
Potential tasks:
Organize a series of presentations of existing efforts.
Create a list capturing all the existing/past/ongoing efforts
Expected outcomes of the session discussion:
Agreement on Scope
Discuss possible tasks
Potential leads
Next steps and wrap up (20 minutes)
Researchers who conduct user study for understanding more about user in user’s data discovery process
Data managers/providers who are responsible in describing data and making data findable
Data managers to investigate whether any user studies have been performed at their site
Attendees with some prior preparation on insights for their Institutional / personal data discovery approaches would benefit more during the group discussion parts of the session.
The objective of this IG is to provide a forum where representatives from across the spectrum of stakeholders and roles pertaining to data discovery can work together to identify, study and make recommendations concerning issues related to improving data discovery. The goal is to produce concrete deliverables that will be recognised and valued by the research and data communities.
This group was officially endorsed at RDA P9. The group has worked on the following task forces, namely:
User study in data discovery (ongoing)
Data/Metadata granularity (ongoing, a BoF has been submitted)
Using schema.org for research dataset discovery (This task force has spun off to the Research Metadata Schemas Working Group, which was endorsed in Sept. 2019).
Initial four task forces from the group:
Relevancy ranking (completed)
Use cases, prototyping tools and test collections (completed)
Best practice for making data findable (completed)
Metadata enrichment (closed)
The DDPIG has been established and endorsed as an IG during P9. The group started with four task forces around target data discovery topics soon after P9. All task forces actively explored their topics, and reported progress and outputs at consequent plenaries. At P11, the first three task forces were officially closed, and a discussion on new Task Forces took place, focusing during P12 primarily on Schema.org and Data Granularity. After P13, a case statement for a Research Schemas WG was submitted, the case statement was endorsed in Sept. 2019, just before P14.
The group has delivered the following three supporting outputs:
Slides from previous plenary sessions:
January 2021 - RDA Virtual Plenary 17:
Investigating data discovery across domains (Group session, slides)
November 2020 - RDA Virtual Plenary 16:
What information about data do users desire for discovery? (Group session, slides)
April 2020 - RDA Virtual Plenary 15:
Oct. 2019 (P14) - Data Discovery Paradigms IG: Reports from Task Forces and Way Ahead (slides)
April 2019 (P13): Data Discovery Paradigms IG: Reports from Task Forces and Way Ahead (slides)
Oct. 2018 - RDA Plenary 12; IG meets, Task Forces report back
March 2018 — RDA Plenary 11; IG meets, Task Forces report back
Slides from earlier plenaries are available from the group page.
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