Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices

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04 Aug 2020
Meeting objectives: 


This session is part of RDA Plenary 16.  If you have not already registered, please do so here.

The session will build on previous sessions of the IG and will:

  • Discuss iniatives that are investigating and forging alignment between stakeholders and/or supporting the reserach data policy environment; 
  • Discuss a possible collaborative project with the IG on Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation that would aim to investigate research data policy alignment between funders and publishers, and solicit expressions of interest to take part.


Meeting agenda: 


Collaborate Notes Link:

  • Welcome, agenda and IG overview -- Funders IG chairs - 5 mins
  • Managing Data Resources in the Context of the Resource Lifecycle -- Kim Pruitt (National Institutes of Health / National Library of Medicine) - 20 mins
  • Data Repository Selection: Criteria that Matter - The RDA FAIRsharing WG -- Peter McQuilton and Susanna-Assunta Sansone (University of Oxford) - 20 mins
  • Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation IG - A Research Data Policy Framework -- Iain Hrynaszkiewicz (PLOS) - 15 mins
  • Funder - Publisher Policy Alignment: A Project Proposal -- Funders IG chairs - 25 mins
  • Summary and Next steps -- Funders IG chairs - 5 mins


Target Audience: 

The session will be of interest to funders, researchers, research administrators, librarians and data stewards, and anyone with an interest in open science policy.  The session will be of interest to members of various RDA groups, including:

  • The IG on Policy Standardization (Publisher policies)
  • CODATA IG on institutional strategies
  • Machine-readable DMPs
  • National Data Services
  • Exposing DMPs WG
  • Active DMP IG
  • DMP Common Standards WG
Group chair serving as contact person: 
Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

Co-chaired by representatives from the Wellcome Trust, National Institutes of Health, the Japan Science and Technology Agency and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, with strong links to the RDA Funders Forum, the IG for Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices aims to:  

  1. Provide a venue for funders to bring forward issues for discussion with the broader RDA community; 
  2. Develop deliverables useful to funders and, ideally, other members of the RDA community and research data ecosystem.
Short Group Status: 

Building on BoFs at RDA Plenaries 10 (Montreal), 11 (Berlin) and 12 (Gaborone), the IG for Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices held its inaugural meeting at RDA 13 (Philadelphia) and its second meeting at RDA 14 (Helsinki).  The IG had planned a meeting at RDA 15 (Melbourne) but feld that the agenda did not translate well to a virtual meeting.  

In advance of RDA 14, the IG developed and circulated a survey to research funders about open science policy, with the aim that the survey would inform the session discussions at RDA 14 and provide input into possible deliverables.  It asked funders to describe their open science policies; identify open science “tools” (e.g. data management plans) that they require or recommend researchers to use, and comment on their usefulness; identify policy impacts and challenges, and comment on their significance; and identify topics of interest that they would like to see the IG work on.

At RDA 14, the IG presented preliminary survey findings and sought input on possible future deliverables (e.g., case studies of topics of interest, etc.).  Session participants provided suggestions on tools that funders could study or pilot (activities that could be summarized in case studies) and, building on findings from the survey, ideas for other deliverables (e.g., studies of national infrastructures, funding schemes for open science, incentives). Since RDA Helsinki, the IG has held meetings and engaged with other groups to determine next steps for deliverables and explore collaborations. Specifically, the IG has worked with the IG for Data Policy Standardization to develop a collaborative project investigating data policy alignment between funders and publishers.

Type of Meeting: 
Working meeting
Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 
Meeting presenters: 
Jeremy Geelen, Yasushi Ogasaka, Dina Paltoo, David Carr, others TBC