Introduce the group to new RDA members
Inform on progress, solicit feedback from participants towards the WG’s outputs
Seek input and feedback from participants and other RDA WGs/IGs for future activities
Collaborative Notes Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H-YlkR2ciOQCHK1YoB2GwvhxeAAOmzNlXwo6...
Introducing the group (5 mins)
Reporting progress of the WG’s outputs (30 mins)
- Guidelines - Leyla Garcia-Castro
- Crosswalk - Chantelle Verhey
- Toolings - Adam Shepherd
Breakout sessions - discussions on each of the planned WG outputs (30 mins)
- Room 1: Guidelines - feedback on guidelines so far and how to improve them
- Room 2: Crosswalk - feedback on crosswalk (current one focuses on dataset and software) and if other resources (publication, workflow, training courses/materials) should be covered
- Room 3: Toolings - tools for consistently implementation and validation markup
Report back (20 minutes)
Wrap-up (5 mins) (Leyla Garcia-Castro)
Anyone (especially data repository/catalogue manager/developer/operator) who is interested and would like to know more about how to publish and get their data discoverable via web architecture.
Anyone who works on research data metadata schema would like to be informed of what this WG plans to do and how they can contribute to the proposed work.
Anyone who is interested in building knowledge graphs or any innovative data discovery applications on aggregated research data resources.
This proposed working group will provide a platform to complement, build on and extend efforts from bioschema.org, science-on-schema.org and the like communities in applying and extending the core schema.org vocabulary for describing research datasets and related resources.
The planned outputs will include:
A generic ‘conceptual data model’ with essential types and properties for research data discovery over the web. The model will be built on bioschemas.org, science-on-schema.org, schema.org, DCAT, DDI-DISCO and SSN schemas from some representative research domains, and data discovery use cases. A research domain can map their schema to the conceptual model when they publish data to the web or exchange metadata between data portals/repositories.
A guidelines of common patterns for publishing metadata landing pages with structured data markup, and guidelines of how to customise the research schemas for targeted domains with examples.
Toolings for making the implementation easier if resources are available. This could include collecting and cataloguing tools that generate, validate and parse schema.org & DCAT markup, etc.
This working group was endorsed in September 2019, as a spinoff from a task force "Using schema.org for Research Dataset Discovery" of the RDA Data Discovery Paradigms IG.
So far, the group has organised the following activities:
A group session at the P15 (Session page)
A group session at the P14 (Session page)
A BoF session at the P13 (Session page).
A un-conferencing session at P12 (slides) (Organised by the DDP IG).
Discussed starting a task force in DDP IG session at P11 (slides).
The group has been organising regular monthly virtual meetings (Please join the group to get meeting reminder)
Here is the group's case statement.
Please visit the group page for links to each planned outputs.
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