Research Data Alliance — The Value Proposition for Earth Science
A town hall meeting at the American Geophysical Union Conference in San Francisco explores how RDA can both benefit and learn from the Earth science community.
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Research Data Alliance — The Value Proposition for Earth Science
A town hall meeting at the American Geophysical Union Conference in San Francisco explores how RDA can both benefit and learn from the Earth science community.
RDA Birds of a Feather at Supercomputing 2013
At the second EUDAT Conference RDA will have a strong representation in the form of a full plenary session.
This plenary session will feature a talk by John Wood on the RDA as a whole as well as several reports on the status of working groups.
Registration for the conference and the programme can be found at the following link:
Furthermore, on the 28th the EUDAT conference will host associated workshops, several of which are relevant to RDA activities. Namely the following:
28-30 October 2013, Rome, Italy
The 2nd conference brings together international data infrastructure providers and practitioners from research and enterprise to discuss the Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) supported by EUDAT.
International Data Rescue Award in the Geosciences
IEDA (Integrated Earth Data Applications) and Elsevier Research Data Services are organizing an International Data Rescue Award in the Geosciences. Members of the international geosciences community who have worked on efforts that advance preservation and access of research data, particularly dark data, are kindly invited to share their work and the varied ways that these data are being processed, stored, and used.
RDA @ 2nd International Symposium on “The Challenge of Big Data in Science”
September 24th, 2013
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
This year, the symposium focuses on “Big Data Analytics”.
19 -20 September 2013, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
DataCite ( is a leading global membership organization offering reliable persistent data identification and engaging with stakeholders including researchers, scholars, data centers, libraries, publishers, and funders through advocacy, guidance and services.
Building Global Partnerships - RDA Second Plenary Meeting
16-18 September 2013 - National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, US. Data sharing offers important benefits for scientific progress and advancement of knowledge. However, several limitations and barriers in the general adoption of data sharing are still in place.
Open Research Data on the Horizon … and beyond
RDA Europe Workshop prior to the RDA Plenary in Washington
10 September 2013, RZG Munich - Garching
The present European and global research data landscape is highly fragmented, by disciplines or by domains (oceanography, life sciences, health, agriculture, space, climate, etc.). A variety of institutions, some national, some international, strive to deal with some aspects of data, but no effort exists where some degree of coherence is achieved or even sought. (From Research Data e-Infrastructures: Framework for Action in H2020 European Commission, Directorate General CNECT, Directorate C: Excellence in Science, Unit C1 - e-Infrastructures)
The Next Internet Frontier: Access to Scientific Data
17 July 2013, Washington, DC
The Research Data Alliance: A new international initiative to tap the research potential of the Internet
In collaboration with the Transatlantic Policy Network