Open Science Commons Interest Group & Working Group

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27 Jun 2019

Open Science Commons Interest Group & Working Group

Group leading the application: 
Meeting agenda: 

The session will be a mix of presentation and facilitated plenary discussion. Presentations will offer a grounding in the topic and recent developments, outline Working Group plans, and gather feedback and inputs to help progress work.


Introductory grounding (30 mins)

  • Definitions and examples of Open Science Commons

  • The remit of the new Interest Group and Working Group

  • Report from the CODATA conference session in Beijing


Initiating the Working Group (30 mins)

  • A typology for Open Science Commons - presenting and critiquing a strawman

  • Proposals for initial pilot cases - feedback and volunteers


Shaping the OSC agenda and global collaboration (30 mins)

  • Discussion on the overall mandate / mission and how to steer this via the IG

  • Mapping out a potential timeline and intersections with related WGs and initiatives

Meeting objectives: 

The forthcoming Interest Group and Working Group stem from activities and outcomes in three prior BoF sessions on this topic. This session aims specifically to:

  • Launch the new Interest Group and Working Group

  • Socialise participants to the concept of Open Science Commons - what they are & aren’t 

  • Explain the remit of the two groups and advance preliminary work on the typology

  • Solicit broader inputs and membership from relevant initiatives and stakeholders globally

Short Group Status: 

Under proposal

Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group(s): 

The Open Science Commons IG and WG will coordinate global activity on the development of open science platforms. The Interest Group will hold the overall mission and define key activities for development through working groups. It will also socialise the community to the concept and value of such work. The first working group will define a typology for data commons and identify a few areas where we can productively work together in short projects.

Type of Meeting: 
Informative meeting
Group chair serving as contact person (responsible for the agreement with the corresponding groups):