status: Recognised & Endorsed
Chair (s): Katarzyna Biernacka, Amy Nurnberger, Jeanne Wilbrandt, Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
The context of increasing volumes of data being created by researchers and the strengthening of requirements for research data management and data sharing has created demand for a new and evolving set of competencies and skills for researchers who create and use the data, and the growing cadre of professionals who support them.
In general, the fostering of these abilities is not explicitly addressed by current training or formal education plans. Also, the place, role and career structure of support professions (data scientists, data librarians, data managers, data analysts, research administrators, infrastructure providers and developers, etc.) is not clear.
The objective of this IG is the exchange of information about existing developments and initiatives and promotion of training/education to manage research data throughout the data lifecycle. Concretely, it will make the case for creating taxonomies of the skills required by different group of data management specialists/professionals and elaborating reference models as a basis to:
- enable the setting of quality standards for appropriate education and training programmes aimed at researchers and the professionals that support them, at all career stages;
- encourage the recognition of data skills amongst employees, employers, and professional bodies.
- prepare the ground for practical applications applying these standards in educational environments
The potential benefits include:
- increased employability, mobility and recognition of data professionals, including international certification and accreditation, and improved career progression structures;
- better recognition of data competencies and skills as integral components of researcher and support staff attributes;
- increased supply of trained data professionals;
- encouraging innovation in data-related curricula;
- fostering professional associations around recognizable skills.
- coordinating development of framework curriculum for different domains.
Recommendations for a minimal metadata set to aid harmonised discovery of learning resources
As part of the Education And Training On Handling Of Research Data IG activities, the Minimal Metadata for Learning Resources Focus Group recommends a minimal set of metadata for learning resources. By comparing and analyzing existing learning resource-related metadata schemas to find the overlaps, the group provides guidance on metadata elements that should be minimally required for purposes of learning resource discovery to those concerned with supporting or providing training resources. This set includes a report, a list of minimal metadata elements along with a data dictionary with examples for how to use the elements, and supporting documents.
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Core Characteristics of Learning Resource Collectors
As part of the Education And Training On Handling Of Research Data IG (ETHRD-IG) activities, the Learning Resource Collectors Focus Group studied the evolving landscape of learning resources on RDM topics. As we collected and listed a snapshot of current catalogues or registries of learning resources for review, we realized that a set of core characteristics could describe these types of organisations that would be useful to help people evaluate and understand the resources they offer. In addition, the identification of core characteristics could help the organisations themselves consider some of the factors that might help them build, structure, and sustain their collections and the services they offer in support of researchers and data specialists seeking learning resources on RDM and data skills topics. This document also supports the work of another ETHRD-IG focus group that recommends a set of minimal metadata elements for learning resources.
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