status: Recognised & Endorsed
Chair (s): Michelle Barker, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Jeremy Cohen, Daniel S. Katz, Kim Martin, Dan Rudmann, Pedro Hernandez Serrano, Hugh Shanahan
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
The Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group is co-convened with the Research Software Alliance (ReSA) and aims to create a community of stakeholders involved in promoting and/or implementing policy that supports research software at the research institution level (e.g., universities, national laboratories). This will build on ReSA’s taskforce, Research institution policies to support research software, which is already building a collection of relevant institutional policies.
An increasing number of initiatives are focusing on implementation of research software within the context of FAIR and open science. Efforts to align policies from funders, journals, and governments are also in progress. However, there is a significant gap around how research performing organisations can develop and implement policies to help sustainability of software outputs and underpin research quality.
Inventorying Research Software Policies -- Call for Contributions
Please share the policy documents regarding research software from your organization by the 6th of May 2024; via: Want to find out more? Keep reading!0 | Add new comment
Ways to work together on valuing research software
Dear PRO4RS folks. The URSSI policy project's latest article is published in CommonPlace, titled ‘From Code to Tenure: Valuing Research Software in Academia’. This article explores ways to better acknowledge and support research software in the academic community. Read the full article here: | Add new comment
Help contribute or curate resources on how to support policy change in research institutions
The Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group (WG) is establishing a project to collate resources on how to support policy change in research institutions in practice. Everyone is welcome to get involved.0 | Add new comment
Summary of RDA Plenary 21 session
During the RDA Plenary 21, the Policies in Research Organizations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group (WG) had its first event, introducing the WG and its members. The WG aims to create a community of stakeholders involved in promoting and/or implementing policy that supports research software at the research institution level. This session focused on the concept of research software, and its differentiation with general-purpose software applications used in research, as well as the overlap with open-source software.0 | Add new comment
The Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group (WG) – case statement open for comment
The first draft of the PRO4RS WG case statement is open for community review! Community review period is from 11 September 2023 to 11 October 2023. The Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software Working Group (PRO4RS WG) will support research performing organisations worldwide to develop, align, and implement policies on research software as a key component of FAIR and open science/scholarship. The WG will identify and analyse existing policies to surface areas where policies are lacking and increase adoption of policies related to research software.0 | Add new comment