status: Recognised & Endorsed

Chair (s): Dawei Lin, Micky Lindlar, Meredith Goins

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]


This working group aims to clarify the complementary relationship between TRUST Principles (TRUST) for digital repositories, certification processes, and metrics of other principal frameworks (e.g., FAIR, CARE, Desirable characteristics, Data Repository Attributes). TRUST is not a criterion for certification. Instead, it is the principles of how repositories can demonstrate their trustworthiness to users.

Get involved:

  1. Contact Meredith Goins ( or the WG (  or sign up to be a member of this group to be added to the group communication channels (rolling notes document, Zoom meeting calendar appointment, project files).
  2. Participate in our monthly WG meeting on the third Thursday of the month at 15:00 UTC (up to December 2023 the WG met on the second Thursday of the month at 14:00 UTC)


Below are the links to meeting recordings, chat files and the rolling notes associated with each of the meetings. It is our aim to update this page before and after each WG meeting.  Comments and suggestions are always welcome!


Sign up to support deliverables


13 July 2023

Video recording of meeting

Chat file (2kb download)

Rolling notes


10 August 2023

Video recording of meeting

Chat file (856B download)

Rolling notes

TRUST Survey V.02


14 September 2023

Video recording of the meeting

Rolling notes


12 October 2023

Meeting canceled.


26 October 2023 @ IDW

IG  RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IGTRUST Principles and Repository Certification Landscape 

Video recording of meeting

Chat file


Collaborative notes


9 November 2023

Video recording of meeting

Chat file

Rolling notes


21 December 2023

Video recording of meeting

Chat file

Rolling notes


18 January 2024

Video recording of meeting

Chat file

Rolling notes



re3data Call for Editorial Board

by Meredith Goins

Sharing in hopes there may be interested parties. Thanks and enjoy your weekend, Meredith --- re3data Call for Editorial Board The registry has been in operation for over 10 years and provides a curated index of over 3,000 research data repositories from around the world from all disciplines.
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Re: RDA/WDS TRUST WG meeting actions

by Ryan O'Connor

Dear WG members, Please see below a list of actions from last Thursday’s meeting. * ACTION: Meredith to share draft of survey with TIGER * ACTION: Ryan to forward invite to next meeting to invited speakers (William Kilbride, Karl Benedict) if necessary * ACTION: Meredith to reach out to potential spokespeople on CARE principles * ACTION: TIGER (Ari/Ryan) to start populating Landscape Awareness contacts list * ACTION: TIGER to start survey promotion (RDA website news item, social media, etc.) when finalised
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Re: RDA/WDS TRUST WG meeting actions

by Ryan O'Connor

Dear WG members, Please see below the list of actions from yesterday’s monthly meeting. * ACTION: TIGER (Ryan, Ari) to begin to populate of contacts list from Landscape Awareness initial draft presented at meeting; * ACTION: TIGER (Ryan, Alexandra) to start drafting messages to contacts for dissemination of survey; * ACTION: Ryan to send invite to RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG members to join TRUST Principles WG;
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Canceled: RDA/WDS TRUST WG Mtg

by Meredith Goins

Please join us for the next 18 months to accomplish the goals of the TRUST working group. Rolling notes available here: Meredith --- Hi there, Meredith P Goins is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
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RDA/WDS TRUST Principles Outreach and Adoption WG regular meeting

by Ryan O'Connor

Dear WG members, As promised, here is a new calendar invite for the new RDA/WDS TRUST Principles Outreach and Adoption WG regular meeting, taking place on the third Thursday of every month @15:00-16:00 UTC, with the first taking place on 21 December 2023. Below and in the location line is a link to the Zoom room. The rolling meeting notes are in the usual place, here: Best, Ryan
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RDA/WDS TRUST WG meeting actions

by Ryan O'Connor

Dear WG members, Please see below a list of actions arising from the regular WG meeting last week. For future meetings I will circulate a list of actions on behalf of WG co-chairs so all members can keep up-to-date on what will be happening ahead of the next meeting. * ACTION: Ryan to move WG meeting to 3rd Thursday of every month (at same time); circulate rolling notes+zoom+calendar link (next meeting at 21st Dec) * ACTION: Dawei to reach out to DPC/William Kilbride to present DPC RAM at future WG meeting
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by Meredith Goins

My apologies! It looks like my internet connect was just lost. I'm trying to reconnect, but with no luck. I will try to start the mtg from my phone. Meredith P. Goins World Data System International Program Office ***@***.***
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TRUST WG 9 November 10-11 am EST | 3-4 pm UTC

by Meredith Goins

Dear colleagues, The next TRUST Principles Outreach and Adoption Working Group meeting will be held via Zoom on 9 November 10-11 am EST | 3-4 pm UTC Find us here: Agenda/Rolling notes are available for you to review as you wish.
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Re: [rda-wds-certdigitalrep-ig][drawg][trust] RDA P21 repository lightening talks

by Ingrid Dillo

Dear Meredith, Thanks for this kind invitation. I would also be happy to share some experiences with CoreTrustSeal certification. I could e.g. do that on the basis of the experiences and results from a recent certification support programme that we ran in the EU-funded FAIRsFAIR project. Let me know if you find this useful. Best wishes, Ingrid Ingrid Dillo Deputy Director | DANS Project Coordinator | FAIR-IMPACT Co-Chair Council | Research Data Alliance Anna van Saksenlaan 51 2593 HW The Hague The Netherlands
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Re: [rda-wds-certdigitalrep-ig][drawg][trust] RDA P21 repository lightening talks

by Robert Downs

Dear Meredith, I appreciate your kind invitation and would be pleased to give a lightning talk during the Certification of Digital Repositories IG session in Salzburg with the tentative topic title: Successes and Challenges in Meeting Data Repository Certification Requirements. Thanks, Bob - - - - - - - - - Robert R. Downs, PhD Senior Digital Archivist and Senior Staff Associate Officer of Research Acting Head of Cyberinfrastructure and Informatics Research and Development
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