status: Recognised & Endorsed

Chair (s): Andrea Mannocci, Sahar Vahdati, Silvio Peroni, Jason Portenoy

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

The Scientific Knowledge Graph - Interoperability Framework (SKG-IF) Working Group (WG) will target the definition of a framework to enable a seamless exchange of information among diverse initiatives regarding Scientific Knowledge  Graphs, intended as knowledge bases of scholarly knowledge content (e.g. repositories, databases, catalogues, knowledge graphs, LOD collections).

The WG stems from and incorporates the activities of the pre-existing RDA Interest Group (IG) on "Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data" and tightly liaises with it. As motivated in the case statement of the IG, the topic is highly relevant, and a priority globally, with this specific RDA IG featuring in several calls for project proposals by the European Commission in 2022. The change of name, from “Open Science Graphs” in the IG to “Scientific Knowledge Graphs” in the WG, stems from the specific name convention used by the European Commission in the EOSC-related working programme.

Case Statement


Scientific Knowledge Graphs - Interoperability Framework (SKG-IF)

by Bridget Walker

The Scientific Knowledge Graph - Interoperability Framework (SKG-IF) Working Group (WG) will target the definition of a framework to enable a seamless exchange of information among diverse initiati

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