status: Recognised & Endorsed
Chair (s): Fotis Psomopoulos, Daniel S. Katz, Daniel Garijo, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Leyla Jael Castro, Anne Fouilloux, Curtis Sharma, Gnana Bharathy, Line Pouchard
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
The idea of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) in the context of scientific data management and stewardship was developed in 2014 and turned into specific principles in 2016[1]. Along the way, the idea was generalized in concept to apply to both data and other digital scholarly objects, but it has become clear in practice that what works for data may not directly work for all other digital objects. For example, both previous and ongoing work show that many of the guiding FAIR principles need to either be re-written or reinterpreted for software, resulting in the FAIR principles for Research Software[2], already with an adoption commitment from different communities and institutes[3]. The FAIR principles also can apply to machine learning tools and models, though a direct application is not always possible as machine learning combines aspects of data, software and computational workflows.
This Interest Group will enable community members to discuss the various aspects of FAIR as applied to Machine Learning, looking both at domain specific and domain-agnostic use cases, and creating task forces and working groups as needed for specific guidance documents, recommendations, definitions and technical specification to that effect. The overall aim is to foster collaborations among researchers and developers who are interested in making machine learning (data, models, workflows, etc.) FAIR, along with those who contribute to the infrastructure and policies that support this. It will work closely with other FAIR RDA Groups (such as the FAIR for Research Software Working Group), as machine learning combines aspects of data and software, but is distinctly different from both.
Specifically, objectives of this IG are to:
- Discuss where FAIR should apply to ML, considering the work in other working groups and focusing on gaps
- Define and prioritize cases for new Task Forces and Working Groups
- Ultimately, build a community of practice for information sharing about ML and FAIR pertaining to ML
In order to ensure that these scenarios are valid across domains (e.g., health, earth science, physics, agriculture, materials science, energy, biology), individual Task Forces (TFs) may be initiated from within the IG that may be focused on particular domains could be initiated, each working in parallel on distinct topics.
[1] Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M., Aalbersberg, I. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018 (2016).
[2] Chue Hong, N. P., Katz, D. S., Barker, M., Lamprecht, A.-L., Martinez, C., Psomopoulos, F. E., Harrow, J., Castro, L. J., Gruenpeter, M., Martinez, P. A., Honeyman, T., et al. (2021). FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles). Research Data Alliance.
[3] Martinez-Ortiz, Carlos, Katz, Daniel S., Lamprecht, Anna-Lena, Barker, Michelle, Loewe, Axel, Fouilloux, Anne, Wyngaard, Jane, Garijo, Daniel, Moldon, Javier, Castro, Leyla Jael, Wheeler, Daniel, Albers, Joost Rutger Demian, & Lee, Allen. (2022). FAIR4RS: Adoption support. Zenodo.
Reminder of our FAIR4ML IG Monthly meeting
Hi everyone! This is a quick reminder for our upcoming monthly FAIR4ML IG call next Monday, March 25th at 20:00 UTC (you can check your local time here).0 | Add new comment
RDA VP22 - Notification of Conditional Acceptance
Dear Chairs of the FAIR for Machine Learning (FAIR4ML) IG, Your RDA VP22 session application titled Updates and feedback on the FAIR4ML IG activities has been conditionally approved, subject to you incorporating the following changes requested by the Technical Advisory Board (TAB): Add more details to the agenda to make the session more attractive to newcomers. Explore overlaps and alignment with the Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group.0 | Add new comment
Reminder of our FAIR4ML IG Monthly meeting
Hi everyone! This is a quick reminder for our upcoming monthly FAIR4ML IG call next Monday, February 26th at 08:00 UTC (you can check your local time here2 | Add new comment
FARR Research Opportunities for Advancing AI-Readiness in Earth Sciences
Dear colleagues,0 | Add new comment
Invitation: FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) - 20:00 UTC call @ Every 2 months from 22:00 to 23:00 on the fourth Monday (EET) (
FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) - 20:00 UTC call Every 2 months from 22:00 to 23:00 on the fourth Monday Eastern European Time - Athens Join with Google Meet Dear all, You are invited to join the FAIR4MLIG monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at 20:00-21:00 UTC every other month.Kind regards,The FAIR4ML IG co-chairs Guests Fotis Psomopoulos - creator0 | Add new comment
Updated invitation with note: FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) - 08:00 UTC call @ Every 2 months from 10:00 to 11:00 on the fourth Monday (EET) (
This event has been updated with a note: "correct slot" Changed: time, description FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) - 08:00 UTC call Every 2 months from 10:00 to 11:00 on the fourth Monday Eastern European Time - Athens Dear all, You are invited to join the FAIR4MLIG monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at 10:00-11:00 UTC every other month.Kind regards,The FAIR4ML IG co-chairs Guests Fotis Psomopoulos - creator ***@***.***0 | Add new comment
Canceled event: FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) @ Mon 22 Apr 2024 18:00 - 19:00 (EEST) (
This event has been canceled. FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) Monday 22 Apr 2024 ⋅ 18:00 – 19:00 Eastern European Time - Athens Dear all, You are invited to join the FAIR4MLIG monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at 14:00-15:00 UTC. Kind regards,The FAIR4ML IG co-chairs Guests Fotis Psomopoulos - creator ***@***.*** ***@***.*** ***@***.*** ***@***.***0 | Add new comment
Canceled event: FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) @ Mon 23 Sept 2024 18:00 - 19:00 (EEST) (
This event has been canceled. FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) Monday 23 Sept 2024 ⋅ 18:00 – 19:00 Eastern European Time - Athens Dear all, You are invited to join the FAIR4MLIG monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at 14:00-15:00 UTC. Kind regards,The FAIR4ML IG co-chairs Guests Fotis Psomopoulos - creator ***@***.*** ***@***.*** ***@***.*** ***@***.***0 | Add new comment
Canceled event: FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) @ Mon 26 Aug 2024 18:00 - 19:00 (EEST) (
This event has been canceled. FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) Monday 26 Aug 2024 ⋅ 18:00 – 19:00 Eastern European Time - Athens Dear all, You are invited to join the FAIR4MLIG monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at 14:00-15:00 UTC. Kind regards,The FAIR4ML IG co-chairs Guests Fotis Psomopoulos - creator ***@***.*** ***@***.*** ***@***.*** ***@***.***0 | Add new comment
Updated invitation: FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) @ Monthly from 17:00 to 18:00 on the fourth Monday from Mon 27 Nov 2023 to Mon 26 Feb (EET) (
This event has been updated Changed: time FAIR4ML IG monthly meetings (public invite) Monthly from 17:00 to 18:00 on the fourth Monday from Monday 27 Nov 2023 to Monday 26 Feb Eastern European Time - Athens Dear all, You are invited to join the FAIR4MLIG monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at 14:00-15:00 UTC. Kind regards,The FAIR4ML IG co-chairs Guests Fotis Psomopoulos - creator ***@***.*** ***@***.***0 | Add new comment