status: Pending submission
Chair (s): Michelle Barker, Hugh Shanahan
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
FAIR research software skills and training curriculums need to be identified and incorporated into broader efforts to facilitate increased support and recognition for the qualified personnel needed to achieve open science. International efforts such as Horizon Europe’s Supporting an EOSC-ready digitally skilled workforce aim to develop new support material, curricula and learning pathways for researchers, data curators, and data stewards and new types of professionals.
The recent development of the FAIR for research software principles provides an opportunity for the training and research software communities to advance identification of FAIR research software skills and curriculums, building on both existing work on research software training for researchers and the growing body of FAIR data work in this area.
This group aims to highlight the importance of this work to ensure research software skills are included in ongoing work, to highlight current initiatives in research software training that can provide the basis for skills identification, and to learn from complementary efforts on FAIR data. This will be based on discussions at a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session held during the RDA Plenary in November 2021.
Invitation to participate in 'A Decade of Data: 10 Years of the RDA' events and activities
by Connie Clare
Good day, The RDA Secretariat would like to invite the Skills and training curriculums to support FAIR research software IG to participate in ‘A Decade of Data’: Celebrating 10 Years of the Research Data Alliance’. 10 months to celebrate 10 years of the RDA0 | Add new comment