status: Completed

Chair (s): Christopher Brown, Natasha Simons, Daniel Bangert, Shawna Sadler

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

The National PID Strategies WG has now CLOSED and its outputs are being maintained by the National PID Strategies IG


The WG's outputs include a Guide, Checklist and Case Studies. We would like to thank everyone who contributed a case study, a presentation, thoughts and ideas into the development of these outputs. 


A special thanks to the RDA Tiger team for creating a beautiful version of the checklist and a supporting white paper. All outputs have been officially endorsed by the RDA council and can be found on the RDA Zenodo community and the WG home page (outputs tab). 


To access the WG's outputs and further information, please read the RDA newsletter article at



The existing RDA WGs and IGs linked to PIDs tend to focus on technical challenges, updates from specific PID providers on their activities and the state of the art, or on discipline-specific needs or challenges. The National PID Strategies WG is exploring how PIDs form part of national policy implementation frameworks. There are systemic and network benefits from widespread and consistent PID adoption, and funders, government agencies, and national research communities have created PID consortia or policies (including mandates) in pursuit of these benefits.


At the RDA Plenary 17 a Birds of a Feather session examined six case studies of national PID strategies and frameworks, looked at commonalities and divergences between them, and assessed the potential benefit of collaboration and alignment in the development and implementation of future national initiatives. 


The consensus from this BoF was that a National PID Strategies WG should be formed with the objective of mapping common activities across national agencies/efforts and reporting on the specific PIDs adopted in the context of national PID strategies.


An update to these case studies, including a discussion on the WG case statement and objectives of the WG, was provided at the meeting of the WG at RDA Virtual Plenary 18 - Aligning and coordinating national PID strategies. Although this was the first meeting of the group, at this stage the WG was not officially endorsed. The WG was officially fully endorsed by the RDA on 10 December 2021 and concluded 10 June 2023.


Commonalities already exist across the example case studies, such as a national PID policy, a coordinating network/group developing a roadmap and policies, similar PIDs being prioritised in national infrastructures and ORCID/DataCite consortia being common. These have formed the basis for discussion within the WG and input from other countries is being sought.


The WG enables coordination and community discussion to deliver the following:

  • Coordinate and align different national PID strategies and bring together PID experts to support the group

  • Map common activities across national agencies/efforts and a guide on the specific PIDs adopted in the context of national PID strategies

  • Agree PID categories and define common metadata and standards for PIDs

  • A minimal set of PIDs for international interoperability

  • Example ideas on governance and common workflows

  • Highlight the benefits from having a national PID strategy and adopting priority PIDs and the investment requirements.


Having a WG looking at national PID strategies provides an opportunity to promote international PID systems rather than isolated national systems, avoid replication of PID development, and exchange experience of national-level PID coordination and map needs.


The case statement contains details of the WG's plan and deliverables. This includes the following milestones:

  • 0 - 6 months - map common activities across national agencies/efforts and deliver a guide on the specific PIDs adopted in the context of national PID strategies. This will help others, irrespective of geographical region, follow a blueprint to defining their national PID approach. The guide will include a number of national case studies.
  • 0-12 months - seek community input to agree on PID categories and define common metadata and standards for PIDs, define a minimal set of PIDs for international interoperability, and provide example ideas on governance and common workflows.
  • 12-18 months - complete community consultation and finalise agreement on report, national case studies, PID categories, common metadata and standards for PIDs, and minimal set of PIDs.


The WG was co-chaired by Christopher Brown (Jisc), Natasha Simons (ARDC), Daniel Bangert (Digital Repository of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy), and Shawna Sadler (ORCID). WG meetings were held at each plenary and every two months.







WG final outputs and official Group close

by Natasha Simons

Hi everyone in National PID Strategies WG, [cc - everyone in the newly endorsed National PID Strategies IG] *Thank you for being part of the National PID Strategies WG which is now closed*. To continue discussions, we encourage you to join our new, RDA-endorsed National PID Strategies IG here
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Join Us for a Panel Discussion: The Role of Funders in Building a Robust and Trustworthy Output Tracking Mechanism Using PIDs and Open Metadata

by Rorie Edmunds

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***   Dear Colleagues, Join us for an exciting panel discussion on the central role of funders in promoting FAIR research practices and advancing Open Science.
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National PID Strategies WG outputs in review

by Christopher Brown

Dear All, Thank you for your involvement and participation in the WG over the last 18 months. The outputs from the National PID Strategies WG are now available on the RDA website at This includes the Guide and Checklist with the case studies from nine countries. The community review is now underway until 12th July 2023.
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RE: National PID Strategies WG meeting options 5/6 June 2023 **recording/slides available**

by Christopher Brown

Dear All, Thank you to those of you who attended the two recent WG meetings. For those of you who couldn't make it, recordings of both meetings (5th June 21:00-22:00 UTC and 6th June 07:00-08:00 UTC) are now available in this shared folder. It also contains the slides and agenda document. Thanks, Christopher (on behalf of the co-chairs) - Show quoted text -From: Christopher Brown Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 9:40 AM To: ***@***.***
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Invitation: National PID Strategies IG

by Natasha Simons

Hi everyone, As you're aware, we will submit our WG outputs on 10 June and we are transitioning from Working Group to Interest Group. The National PID Strategies IG is under RDA community review and awaiting endorsement. *We welcome you to join the new IG by signing up here:* Best, Natasha (on behalf of co-chairs) *Natasha Simons* Director, National Coordination
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FW: National PID Strategies WG meeting options 5/6 June 2023

by Christopher Brown

Dear All, Just a reminder that the National PID Strategies Working Group meeting is today and tomorrow (UTC). The agenda is below and there's a link to the shared notes document. The Zoom links are in the calendar invites. We'll be discussing the group's outputs, why we're continuing as an interest group (you can see the charter and join here), and plans for Plenary 21. Natasha has already sent an update on the group's deliverables, but you can access the guide and checklist, as well as the 9 case studies, in this shared folder.
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For review: Final WG outputs

by Natasha Simons

Hi everyone, Our National PID Strategies WG is due to submit final outputs by 10 June. Your co-chairs have been working hard to deliver these outputs and we are pleased to be able to share them with you. The WG outputs comprise: 1. GUIDE and CHECKLIST: Pathways to National PID Strategies 2. CASE STUDIES (9 collected) You can access all of the above documents in this public G drive folder . I have also attached the combined Guide and Checklist document for those who have trouble accessing the Google drive.
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National PID Strategies WG meeting options 5/6 June 2023

by Christopher Brown

Dear working group members, First of all, welcome to new members who have recently joined the group. We now have 70 members! Our next and final meeting of the working group will be run at the following times to accommodate different time zones: * Monday 5th June 2023 20:00-21:00 UTC (option 1) * Tuesday 6th June 2023 06:00-07:00 UTC (option 2) Attached to this email are two separate calendar invites. Please accept the invite for your preferred meeting time.
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Identifiers in the United States

by Natasha Simons

Hi everyone, You may be interested to read a recent blog post by Chris Erdmann, Christine Kirkpatrick and Natalie Meyers for GO FAIR US welcoming a national conversation on PID strategies and referring to the activities of our Working Group: Best, Natasha Natasha Simons Associate Director, Data & Services M +61 411 325 295 ***@***.***
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National PID Strategy checklist (draft v2)

by Natasha Simons

Hi everyone, At RDA Plenary 20 in Gothenburg, we reviewed a draft National PID Strategy Checklist developed by co-chairs and based on the case studies we have received to date. I have updated the Checklist following feedback from our discussion and attached it here for your review. The Checklist is intended as an appendix to the guidance document which will review and compare national PID strategies based on the case studies we have received. We will share that draft with you as soon as the final
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