status: Completed

Chair (s): Michelle Barker, Hugh Shanahan, Fotis Psomopoulos

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

This is the subgroup of the RDA-COVID-19 working group focusing on Software.


Co-chair assigned:  Ingrid Dillo

Moderator(s):  Michelle Barker, Fotis Psomopoulos, Hugh Shanahan



Useful Information for RDA COVID-19 Software Subgroup



Software is essential in the analysis and processing of research data. For the RDA COVID-19 WG it represents a cross-cutting theme with an impact in all of the different sub-groups. The goal of this subgroup is to provide over-arching guidance on software use and development with respect to COVID-19 research and also to coordinate specific guidance for the individual sub-groups. This group is supported by the Research Software Alliance (ReSA).


Software subgroup priorities:

  1. A set of guideline documents for the research community that highlight the key practices for the development and (re)use of research software and code.
  2. Recommendations for policy makers on how to support the research software community to respond to COVID-19 challenges.
  3. A Decision Tree tool to facilitate navigation of good practices for research software and code.


Collaboration tools:

Software subgroup folder

Slack channel (then choose #software channel from righthand list)


To provide feedback on the "RDA COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations":

The current draft of the "RDA COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations" can be found in the Outputs section of the main COVID-19 WG webpage; be sure to select the most current version that is attached for review, and provide comments using the "Add new comment" link below the attachments.



Invitation to participate in 'A Decade of Data: 10 Years of the RDA' events and activities

by Connie Clare

Good day, The RDA Secretariat would like to invite the RDA Covid-19 groups to participate in ‘A Decade of Data’: Celebrating 10 Years of the Research Data Alliance’. 10 months to celebrate 10 years of the RDA
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FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles) for Community Review

by Paula Andrea Martinez

To our colleagues interested in FAIR4RS, *Apologies for cross posting, feel free to share this invitation*
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FAIR4RS Community Consultation Feb-Mar

by Paula Andrea Martinez

The first combined output of the FAIR4RS working group is now available for community review until 10 March 2021.     Hello all,
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Reminder: Share your Experiences Participating in the RDA COVID-19 WG (new deadline 2 November)

by Katherine McNeill

Dear fellow Software group members, Hope you're doing well. I wanted to draw your attention to the survey that we are running for the paper on the collaborative approach of developing the RDA COVID-19 guidelines. It's important that we get diverse participation, so if you haven't had a chance to fill it out, please take the time to do so. And we've just decided to extend the deadline to: 2 November. Thank you for your time and do let me know if you have any questions. Kind regards, Katy From: McNeill, Katherine
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Adoption stories from RDA COVID Software subgroup

by Michelle Barker

RDA is doing some work on the value of the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines. Does anyone have any adoption stories of the software sharing principles that we could contribute? It would be fantastic to collect some of these.  
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An update of the timeline and current actions

by Fotis Psomopoulos

Dear RDA COVID-19 Software Subgroup members, first of all, thank you for all your efforts and contributions in making this final version happen. We'd like to share a quick update with you regarding the timeline at this point: - The actual *timeline *is available here - tomorrow, May 29th the 5th Release
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Fwd: Fw: Software sub-group sprint

by Sandra Gesing

Forwarding the details for the sprint today - I hope this email arrives the group;-) ------------------------------ *From:* Shanahan, Hugh <***@***.***> *Sent:* 20 May 2020 11:58 *To:* ***@***.*** < ***@***.***> *Subject:* Software sub-group sprint Dear all Apologies for the lateness in getting this out – I had a problem with the mailing list recognising me. If you are free the sprint
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RDA COVID-19 Software Subgroup Call - Tuesday May 19th 20:00 UTC

by Fotis Psomopoulos

Dear all, first of all, thank you for all your efforts and contributions in producing this set of guidelines and recommendations! We already have a rather concise document, but there are also a few points that might require a broader discussion - plus, there is still the issue of deciding how we should proceed with regards to the long document. We will be having a call on *Tuesday, May 19th at 20:00 UTC* (see your local time here ), where we will be discussing the above two points among others. The zoom
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Are you on the contributor list?

by Michelle Barker

The next version of the RDA COVID WG report will include a list of contributors.
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