status: Completed
Chair (s): Michelle Barker, Hugh Shanahan, Fotis Psomopoulos
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
This is the subgroup of the RDA-COVID-19 working group focusing on Software.
Co-chair assigned: Ingrid Dillo
Moderator(s): Michelle Barker, Fotis Psomopoulos, Hugh Shanahan
Useful Information for RDA COVID-19 Software Subgroup
Software is essential in the analysis and processing of research data. For the RDA COVID-19 WG it represents a cross-cutting theme with an impact in all of the different sub-groups. The goal of this subgroup is to provide over-arching guidance on software use and development with respect to COVID-19 research and also to coordinate specific guidance for the individual sub-groups. This group is supported by the Research Software Alliance (ReSA).
Software subgroup priorities:
- A set of guideline documents for the research community that highlight the key practices for the development and (re)use of research software and code.
- Recommendations for policy makers on how to support the research software community to respond to COVID-19 challenges.
- A Decision Tree tool to facilitate navigation of good practices for research software and code.
Collaboration tools:
Software subgroup folder
Slack channel (then choose #software channel from righthand list)
To provide feedback on the "RDA COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations":
The current draft of the "RDA COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations" can be found in the Outputs section of the main COVID-19 WG webpage; be sure to select the most current version that is attached for review, and provide comments using the "Add new comment" link below the attachments.
sub-group call
Weekly call with sub-group