status: Recognised & Endorsed

Chair (s): Lindsay Barbieri, Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard, Anthony Juehne, Devika Madalli

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

Interest Group Title: RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction: Fit with the overall RDA vision and mission

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals, with 169 associated targets, which came into effect in January 2016 and will continue to guide UN policy and funding until 2030. Progress on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals requires broad collaboration within the global data community, as well as nuanced understanding of the barriers for developing information infrastructures. Interoperability of data remains a barrier to collecting, storing, merging, and analyzing data for monitoring SDG metrics effectively - and improving data interoperability may both enhance monitoring, as well as help to enable and support progress towards achieving the SDGs. Achieving interoperable data to advance the SDGs will require best practices, recommendations, technologies, and support of capacity building - which is in direct alignment with many of RDA’s ongoing and upcoming outputs, recommendations, interest group, and working group activities.


Objectives and scope of the Interest group activities will fall into two categories:

a) Improved data management/sharing of SDG indicator data, based on implementation and adaptation of RDA outputs within workflows surrounding the SDGs and NGO development space more broadly. 

b) Assessing the impact of data infrastructure, and associated quality and limitations thereof, as a component of sustainable development. Defining the value and importance of data infrastructure within sustainable development overlaps directly with the infrastructure-related SDG indicators. More broadly, defining and justifying the importance of data infrastructure will clarify this need to funders supporting development initiatives, researchers and admins supporting the work of development monitoring, and future policy development.


Group participation is encouraged for any RDA members working in areas of research, policy, advocacy, data management, or infrastructural support surrounding the Sustainable Development Goals. Such roles include, though are in no way limited to, researchers focused on global sustainability and capacity enhancement, legal experts, data and repository managers, research librarians, and national statisticians.

Engagement with existing work in the area

  • Data for Development IG

  • Indigenous Data Sovereignty Group

  • Small Unmanned Aircraft

  • Health Data IG

  • Reproducible Health Data Services Working Group

  • RDA/Codata Data Science Summer Schools

User Scenarios

Achieving successful monitoring of the sustainable development goals requires international data exchange and an array of changes to the culture of science and capacity enhancement activities ongoing in nations wherein data for the SDG indicators are being collected. These capacity enhancement activities fall within four broad categories, all of which overlap with the social and technical challenges to international research data sharing:

  • Organizational collaboration

  • Data sharing and interoperability

  • Data sharing and data governance

  • Capacity building

Broadly, the value-add of this Interest Group’s activities will be:

  1. Create materials to support the implementation of RDA outputs and recommendations within the social and technical work of the UN surrounding the sustainable development goals. These materials will be aimed to support the work of data managers, statisticians, research policy advisers and advocates, and diverse project managers supporting SDG data infrastructure and data use.

  2. Facilitate organizational collaboration/support with the U.N. and its agencies partnerships in commercial, academic, and NGO space. Facilitating such partnerships will Increase the visibility of the RDA on a global scale, providing precedence for future collaboration with additional IGOs and NGOs. RDA’s OAB, TAB, Council, Secretariat, and group membership could all play a role in facilitating such partnerships.

  3. Build collaborative partnerships across RDA interest groups and working groups working within the field of capacity development in low and middle income countries, furthering progressing RDA’s mission.


Interest group members will hold bi-monthly meetings via telecom platforms such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, or etc. for all interest group members. These meetings will have running agenda items, reports of ongoing projects, and additional items added given upcoming events or emerging opportunities aligned with deliverables or collaboration with partnering organizations. Co-chairs may also meet outside of these bi-monthly meetings to manage ongoing deadlines. Meeting notes will be made open to the public via the RDA website. Plenary sessions will provide public updates about IG activities and space for community feedback regarding strategy or scope. 

Potential Projects for Interest Group Scope

In preperation of defining the Interest Group’s scope and potential objectives, the following activities are proposed:

  1. Select representatives from the RDA community active in work aligned with the SDGs familiar with strategies for forming organizational partnerships with the RDA.

  2. Assess key needs/gaps for the UN, funder, and SDG-associated organizations addressable by these RDA activities.

  3. Recognizing the work of the UN in identifying tiers of SDG indicators and the future needs for SDGs, identify potential alignment of RDA activities that may support UN tier indicator work



Upcoming BoF session at RDA P21: Wind energy community standards, Wednesday 25 October 2023, UTC 09:30 - 11:00 | AT 11:30 - 13:00

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear Group members,  We would like to bring to your attention a BoF session that may be of interest to you:  Wind energy community standards Wednesday 25 October 2023  UTC 09:30 - 11:00 | AT 11:30 - 13:00
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Community Cross-fertilisation Workshop: RDA for UN SDG 17: Capacity building, data sharing, infrastructure and development: September 26th, 8:30 UTC

by Anthony Juehne

Greetings all, We'd like to raise to your attention an upcoming community cross-fertilisation workshop event.
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Re: [rda-datadev-ig][sustainabledevgoals] Re: RDA 20th Plenary - Notification of Acceptance

by Norman Mukasa

Dear Mahadia, This is noted. We will appreciate any email suggestions to include in the sessions, especially regarding concrete aspect/s of dlabs' efforts to promote response research. Best regards, Norman
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Re: RDA 20th Plenary - Notification of Acceptance

by Norman Mukasa

Dear colleagues, Dear Colleagues, This is the link for tomorrow's meeting at 5pm (Berlin CET) Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 330 874 654 934 Passcode: CtEQSr Download Teams | Join on the web Learn More | Meeting options Dr. Norman Mukasa Drachenfelsstr. 9, 50997 Köln Mobile phone: +49 (0)163-1499354 Home number: 022321505168 Email: ***@***.*** Skype: Norman Mukasa
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RDA 20th Plenary - Notification of Acceptance

by Norman Mukasa

Dear Colleagues, Greetings to you all. I would like to draw your attention to the email below (sent to all of us). Our motion for the 20th RDA Plenary (P20) entitled "Data for Sustainable Development (SD) and Responsible Research (RR)" has been approved. There are a few modifications we should make by Tuesday, 13 December 2022. Ingvill and I had a brief discussion tonight about how we might proceed. The suggestion is that we meet on Friday at 5pm to make or agree on the
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RDA 20th Plenary - Notification of Acceptance

by Secretariat Group Account

Dear Chairs of the Data for Development IG and the RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG Your RDA 20th Plenary (P20) session application titled ‘Data for Sustainable Development (SD) and Responsible Research (RR)’ has been approved. Please take into consideration the feedback below that should be included in a revised version of your application, highlighting the modifications, by Tuesday 13 December 2022, close of business: Indicate the time allocated per item in the meeting agenda and provide sufficient time for audience participation during the session.
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RDA 20th Plenary - Notification of Acceptance

by Secretariat Group Account

Dear Chairs of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation (AIDV) WG, the Data policy standardisation and implementation IG, the RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG and the Science communication for research data IG,
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Invitation to participate in 'A Decade of Data: 10 Years of the RDA' events and activities

by Connie Clare

Good day, The RDA Secretariat would like to invite the RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG to participate in ‘A Decade of Data’: Celebrating 10 Years of the Research Data Alliance’. 10 months to celebrate 10 years of the RDA
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RDA Plenary 19 Draft Programme Now Available

by Secretariat Group Account

Dear Group Chairs, The RDA 19th Plenary draft programme is now available: Please note that the Plenary programme is a part of the International Data Week programme that can be accessed at
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RDA Plenary 19 as a part of IDW 2022 - Notification of Acceptance

by Secretariat Group Account

Dear Chairs of the RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG, Congratulations! Your RDA Plenary 19 (P19) session application titled RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals has been approved. Please consider this your official notification of acceptance.
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