status: Recognised & Endorsed
Chair (s): Andrew Treloar, Sarah Jones, Devika Madalli, Mark Leggott, Javier Lopez Albacete
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
The coordination of data infrastructure on various levels (country, continent, discipline, sector) is on the increase. So called “Open Science Commons” or “Data commons” provide a shared virtual space or platform that provides a marketplace for data and services. Examples include the European Open Science Cloud, the Australian Research Data Commons, the African Open Science Platform, open government portals and initiatives outside traditional research contexts. Coordinating across these initiatives to enable a network of interoperable data commons is the goal.
The Interest Group will provide a neutral place where people have conversations about Open Research Commons. It will function in a similar vein to the funders forum – space will be given to raise topics of mutual interest, track trends and reach consensus on priorities. The Group will work to reach a shared understanding of what a “Commons” is in the research data space; what functionality, coverage and characteristics does such an initiative require and how can this be coordinated at a global level? The IG Chairs will also proactively look outside the RDA community to connect with parallel initiatives in other spaces, whether in national / regional contexts or in other fora such as the OECD, G7 Open Science Working Group, UN’s Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, CODATA, GO-FAIR and others. Recognising the broad scope, we will focus initially on Data Commons and extend to Open Science Commons as work progresses.
This Interest Group is closely aligned to the core mission of RDA as it is inherently engaged in building the social and technical bridges that enable data sharing. It will own the overall remit of coordinating the delivery of a Global Open Science Commons and monitor progress made within related RDA Working Groups and other initiatives to achieve this goal. Indeed, the scope is so large that the Interest Group is expected to run for several years and coordinate across many Working Groups, primarily those that are convened within this RDA IG forum but also aligning with existing WG/IG of relevance.
The Interest Group will help to coordinate and steer initiatives, assisting implementers to maintain focus while also providing wider context and meaning. It will encourage and facilitate global collaboration, helping to minimise data silos and adoption of standards and protocols to facilitate a cross-country and cross-discipline global open science commons. The Group will necessarily be large and diverse, representing many different stakeholder groups, sectors and countries. Chairs come from 5 different continents given the breadth of remit and need for genuine global engagement.
RDA VP22 - Notification of Acceptance
Dear Chairs of the GORC International Model WG and Global Open Research Commons IG, Your RDA VP22 session application titled Global open research commons: model adoption and next steps has been approved and accepted. Congratulations! Key dates to keep in mind: * Breakout sessions draft programme will be published here on Friday, 15 March * Requests for changes to the programme breakout times must be sent to ***@***.*** by Friday, 29 March0 | Add new comment
GORC-WG update and February meeting
by CJ Woodford
Hello everyone, Firstly, happy new year! I hope that you all have taken some time to rest and recuperate this past holiday season and are meeting 2024 with gusto.0 | Add new comment
Request for input on open science challenges and opportunities (ISOSC request)
by CJ Woodford
Hello everyone, The GORC IG and WG have been invited to participate in the International Symposium on Open Science Clouds (ISOSC), happening in Beijing, China, as well as online from September 4th - 6th, 2023. We will be presenting in two separate sessions on the methodology and status of our deliverables as well as what we have found regarding open science policy and governance.0 | Add new comment
Version 0.6 of international commons attribute & KPI model
by CJ Woodford
Dear RDA IG and WG chairs, members of the GORC-IG, and members of the GORC-WG, The Global Open Research Commons International Model Working Group (GORC-WG) has been working to create a model describing commons attributes so that commons developers can compare features across research clouds and commons. We have now conducted our final evaluation phase and would like to share our newest version of the model.0 | Add new comment
RDA P21 @ IDW 2023 - Notification of Acceptance
Dear Chairs of the GORC International Model WG and Global Open Research Commons IG, Your RDA P21 session application titled Global open research commons: what it takes and the road to get there. Reflections and discussion on creating a commons attribute model and a commons integration roadmap has been approved. Please consider this your official notification of acceptance. Key dates to keep in mind: * Draft programme to be published on Friday, 28 July0 | Add new comment
Last call for report writing group
by Karen Payne
Hello all, We've gotten a great response to the call for report writers so there is no presssure here but I wanted to put out a last call if anyone is interested in joining the group. If so please respond to this post or email me by CoB Monday July 17th. I understand that we are at the weekend but the group has come together quickly and things are moving fast. There will be an opportunity to join other groups that will be writing additional conent after the model is published. Kind regards, Karen0 | Add new comment
Re: [gorc-ig][gorc_model] Re: [gorc-ig][gorc_model] Re: [gorc-ig][gorc_model] Call for writing group participation
by CJ Woodford
Hi Brian, all, For reference, all of our current narrative is captured in the martyr doc , with the exception of things that have come up in the task groups and in email threads, which is in a separate tracking document but will be discussed by the writing group. If you are new to this group, welcome! We have a detailed wiki , and in particular you can find all relevant documents and their status on our Deliverables wiki page . The bulk of our work so far is very much in the martyr document and in the0 | Add new comment
Re: [gorc-ig][gorc_model] Re: [gorc-ig][gorc_model] Call for writing group participation
by Brian Corrie
Hello All, I am new to the group - can someone send me the link to the spreadsheet and I can judge whether I can contribute or not... Thanks - and by way of introduction, here are my affiliations... Cheers, Brian Corrie Technical Director, iReceptor Co-chair, AIRR Community Common Repository Working Group Simon Fraser University On 2023-07-13 7:10 a.m., wolmar-nyberg-akerstrom via Global Open0 | Add new comment