Chair (s):
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
This short-lived group contains details regarding the upcoming 26-28 June 2019 RDA WG/IG Chairs Collaboration Meeting in Cologne, Germany and is open to all RDA group chairs. Future updates, including a draft agenda, opportunities for group dinners, and other conversations and details will be posted to the mailing list for this group. The group is public but to receive the meeting communications as email please join this group.
Meeting Logistics information
- Location, venue, hotel information from GESIS (.pdf)
- Local lunch restaurants with a map and helpful German phrases (.pdf)
- Participant list (as of 13 June) (.doc)
- Remote Participation Information
Computer link:
Phone numbers:
Meeting Materials
Group reportouts
Data For Development IG (Ingvill)
Exposing DMPs WG (Natalie)
Reproducible Health Data WG (Anthony)
Data Rescue IG Evolution (Steve)
Geospatial IG (Seraphim)
Metadata IG and WGs (Rebecca)
Mapping the Landscape (Steve)
Software Source Code IG, Source Code Identification WG (Roberto, from email)
Background Documents
Case Statement
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