status: Recognised & Endorsed

Chair (s): Barbara Magagna, Anusuriya Devaraju, Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé, Maria Stoica

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology WG (I-ADOPT WG)

Webinar - Decomposing Observable Property Descriptions into Machine-Readable Components - 28 July 2021


The I-ADOPT WG will focus on creating a community-agreed framework for representing observable properties by bringing together groups that have been working on developing terminologies to accurately encode what was measured, observed, derived, or computed. The consensus building will be informed by reviewing current practices and by a set of use cases, which will be used to define the requirements and to test and refine the common framework iteratively. Much like a generic blueprint, this framework will be a basis upon which terminology developers can formulate local, but globally aligned, design patterns. With these, they may leverage their local “materials” in a multi-pronged attempt to represent complex properties observed across the environmental sciences (from marine to terrestrial ecosystems, as well as biodiversity, atmospheric, and Earth sciences). The WG will then seek to synthesize these approaches into global best practice recommendations. Furthermore, it will help mediate between generic observation standards (SSNO, SensorML, ..) and current community-led resources, fostering harmonized implementations. Through this effort, FAIRer observable property terminologies will be created, the global effectiveness of tools operating upon them will be improved and their impact increased. The WG will thus strengthen existing collaborations and build new connections between terminology developers and providers, disciplinary experts, and representatives of scientific data user groups.

See all ongoing work here in github:



Re: [i-adopt] in person I-ADOPT meeting tomorrow

by Natalia de Oliveira

Hi gwen, i would like to join remotely Regards, Natália Enviado do meu iPhone
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in person I-ADOPT meeting tomorrow

by Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé

Dear Colleagues, A reminder for those of you in Salzburg this week that we are meeting for our "fringe" I-ADOPT session tomorrow Oct 25, 17.30 at the entrance of the congress hall. We will walk together to our meeting room 10' away in the centre of Salzburg (Room 57, University of Salzburg, Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg). This is a working a session focused on issues related to the implementation of I-ADOPT: * Class vs instance of variables * Matrix related issues (e.g. cases when or if to skip matrix and cases when possibility of multiple matrices)
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I-ADOPT WG July meeting

by Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé

Dear Colleagues, Our next WG meeting is tomorrow 25th July 2023 at 14:00 UTC. Meeting's link and draft agenda can be found here Please let me know if you wish to add anything to the agenda. Kind regards, Gwen. Dr Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé | NVS Vocabulary Management Group Lead, British Oceanographic Data Centre National Oceanography Centre, Joseph Proudman Building, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool, L3 5DA | Follow | Support | Subscribe
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RDA P21 @ IDW 2023 - Notification of Outcome

by Secretariat Group Account

Dear InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology WG (I-ADOPT WG), Thank you for your RDA P21 session application. The Technical Advisory Board assessed all the proposals and, on this occasion, your P21 session application titled Semantic interoperability of variable descriptions: does I-ADOPT deliver on its promises? has not been approved.
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I-ADOPT meeting

by Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé

Dear Colleagues, Apologies for this late reminder. We have an I-ADOPT meeting at 14:00 UTC today. The agenda is available from our shared drive: Any other items please let me know. Best regards, Gwen.
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Ideas for I-ADOPT WG session at P21

by Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé

Dear Colleagues, The next RDA plenary will be on 23-26 October 2023, in Salzburg, Austria. What should be the next priorities for the I-ADOPT WG? What would you like to discuss at a WG session? Please send us your suggestions for topics. Deadline for submission is fast approaching so please email us suggestions by the 2nd June 2023 at the latest. Kind regards, Gwen
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FW: Proposal to extend the I-ADOPT ontology

by Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé

Apologies for possible multiple postings. It looks like my first posting did not go through so I am resending. Gwen. - Show quoted text -From: Moncoiffe, Gwenaelle Sent: 06 March 2023 06:32 To: ***@***.*** Subject: Proposal to extend the I-ADOPT ontology Dear Colleagues,
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reminder online meeting tomorrow 12UTC

by Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé

Dear Colleagues, A reminder that the I-ADOPT WG is meeting online tomorrow 07 Feb 2023 at 12:00 UTC. Please contact me if you would like to attend and do not yet have the link to the Zoom call. Kind regards, Gwen. This email and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the named recipients. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this email or any of its attachments and should notify the sender immediately and delete this email from your system.
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Digital metrology activities

by Stuart Chalk

While in today’s iAdopt meeting I realized that it might be useful for this community to know what’s going on in the digital metrology space. Here are a few activities... - Digitalization of the SI (approved) - New SI prefies
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