status: Recognised & Endorsed

Chair (s): Kerstin Lehnert, Jens Klump, Esther Plomp, Lesley Wyborn

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

Physical samples are a basic element for reference, study, and experimentation in research.  Tests and analysis are conducted directly on samples, such as biological specimens, rock or mineral specimens, soil or sediment cores, plants and seeds, water quality samples, archaeological artefacts, or DNA and human tissue samples because they represent a wider population or a larger context. Other physical objects, such as maps or analogue images are also direct objects of study, and, if digitized, may become a source of digital data. There is an urgent need for better integrating these physical objects into the digital research data ecosystem, both in a global and in an interdisciplinary context to support search, retrieval, analysis, reuse, preservation and scientific reproducibility.


This group aims to facilitate cross-domain exchange and convergence on key issues related to the digital representation of physical samples and collections, including but not limited to use of globally unique and persistent identifiers for samples to support unambiguous citation and linking of information in distributed data systems and with publications, metadata standards for documenting samples and collections and for landing pages, access policies, and best practices for sample and collection catalog, including a broad range of issues from interoperability to persistence.



Sampling Nature RCN Webinar: Lindsay Powers, USGS on Friday, Sept 8 at 1pm ET

Please join the Sampling Nature RCN on Friday, September 8 at 1pm ET for our webinar with Dr. Lindsay Powers, USGS on "Connecting Samples to the Research Ecosystem through Documentation and Discove