status: Completed
Chair (s): Peter Baumann
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
All outcome is presented to the public in the Results Zone of the group wiki.
23/March/2018 - WG meeting at Plenary 11
21/February/2018 - Open Data, Open Source, Open Standards
27/October/2016 - References
17/September/2016 - Array Database assessment Working Group meeting at Plenary 8
21/May/2016 - Dungeon Zone
21/May/2016 - Summary
21/May/2016 - Array Systems Assessment
21/May/2016 - Publicly Accessible Array Services
21/May/2016 - Array Systems
21/May/2016 - Array Standards
21/May/2016 - Introduction to Array Databases