status: Completed
Chair (s): Bridget Almas, Frederik Baumgardt, Tobias Weigel, Thomas Zastrow
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
Webinar - Connecting Data, Institutions and People: FAIR Digital Objects, RDA outputs and the design of the DiSSCo Research Infrastructure - 18 March 2021
Several communities have expressed interest in leveraging aggregations of objects with particular focus on building such aggregations through PIDs and possibly providing identifiers for aggregation objects. There is however no unified cross-community approach to building and managing such collections and no common model for understanding them. The PID Information Types WG has defined a core model and the central interface for accessing object state information and provided a small number of example types, which were consequently registered in the Type Registry WG prototype. With these tools available to describe essential object information, collections can be described so to be able to deal with more than a single object at once.
Building collections within diverse domains and then sharing or expanding them across disciplines should enable common tools for end-users and e-infrastructure providers. Individual disciplinary communities can directly benefit if such tools are made widely available, and cross-community data sharing can benefit from increased unification between collection models and implementations. PID providers may benefit from marketing additional services on collections.
The group has assembled a full recommendation, which is endorsed by RDA. The recommendation is available here:
The group's activities have closed now. Discussions and possible future updates of the recommendations may, however, continue in the forum of the RDA Data Fabric IG.
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RDA Research Data Collections WG Recommendations
This recommendation provides a comprehensive model for actionable collections and a technical interface specification to enable client-server interaction. It also reports on first adoption and implementation efforts across communities and institutions and provides perspectives on the use of data types in connection with collection structures, highlighting pathways for possible future work.
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