status: Completed
Chair (s): Gary Berg-Cross, Raphael Ritz
Group Email: [group_email]
Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]
Agreed upon terminology, the meaning of terms used in discussion, is an important aspect of all group work. The DFT IG task is to continue the discussion evoked by the RDA DFT WG to support continuing RDA efforts regarding basic data concepts & framework models along with their vocabularies. A key aspect of the work is to support broader model and vocabulary agreements for and across these RDA WGs and IGs along with their representative communities and stakeholders. This will help continue the synchronization of RDA conceptualization and enable better understanding within and between RDA groups
File Repository
DFT Briefing for P13
These are the slides for briefing at P13
Attachment | Size |
DFT P13 brief.pdf | 786.83 KB |
DFT 1 page summary for P-13
Our latest summary update intended to help people attending Plenaries and needing background on the Data Foundations and Terminology IG and its activities.
Attachment | Size |
DFT 1pg Overview-for P13.doc | 978 KB |
Best Practices Combined Slides
Main slide deck for Best Practices Session at Botswana PlenaryAttachment | Size |
Best Practices for Vocabulary-based Projects.pdf | 603.66 KB |
RDA 12 CEDAR Best Practices 201811
Presentation on Best Vocabulary Development Practices illustrated by the CEDAR workbench and methods.
Attachment | Size |
RDA 12 CEDAR Best Practices 201811.pdf | 4.64 MB |
DFT-TeDT update for -P12
Provides and introduction and updates on the DFT Term editing tool.
Attachment | Size |
DFT-TeDT-P12.pdf | 2.03 MB |
DFT P12 brief
Provides updates and Continues IG discussion such as: Who is completing work and has vocabularies? How do they relate to each other? How do we organize our defined, termed concepts?Attachment | Size |
DFT P12 brief.pdf | 685.91 KB |
DFT agenda and intro briefing for P11
slides from co-chair Gary Berg-Cross
Attachment | Size |
DFT P11 brief.pdf | 421.55 KB |
Data Foundations and Terminology IG Overview for P11
An updated 1 page (2 sided) summary of Data Foundations and Terminology IG.
Attachment | Size |
DFT 1pg Overview-for P11.doc | 975 KB |
Overview of DFT IG for P10
A summary created for P10 of DFT IG to date for people who have not participated recently.
Attachment | Size |
RDA DFT Overview-for P10.doc | 967 KB |