status: Recognised & Endorsed

Chair (s): Jeff Christiansen, Nicola Mulder, Susan Gregurick, Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström, Elisha Wood-Charlson

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

The life sciences are becoming increasingly data intensive, owing much to the huge improvements seen in large-scale gene sequencing and other molecular “omics” techniques. There is a need for large-scale sustainable and interoperable data management and storage methods that allow secure and easy access to and reuse of these highly complex data. Simultaneously, as omics-focussed life science research projects increasingly depend on more than one type of measurement, there is a widely felt need for the ability to integrate different data types. Phenotyping, bioimaging and biosample management can all be considered part of life science data, and omics-focussed life science data systems will need to interoperate with these. Different and diverse sectors of the life sciences, such as health, food production, bioindustry and the environment experience similar issues. Interoperability between different research domains is thus a necessary condition to allow for the emergence of cross-disciplinary data. It is no surprise that the life sciences gave birth to the FAIR principles.

The Life Science Data Infrastructures Interest Group is formed to serve as a bridge between life science data infrastructures in different regions of the world and relevant RDA Interest Groups, including both specific subtopics of the life sciences such as agricultural data, marine data, structural biology, toxicogenomics, as well as generic topics that can/should be applied in the life sciences such as big data analysis, federated identity management, and data publishing.

The IG aspires to have meaningful representation from diverse geographical regions including North and South America, the EU, UK and Eastern Europe; Africa, Asia and Oceania; and will actively seek participation from under-represented groups and the global South. The IG also aims for fair gender representation and inclusivity in all its activities.


Check out our RDA Data Streams Podcast episode to learn more!


Please note. This group has transitioned from the previous RDA-ELIXIR Bridging Force IG.





RDA-OfR "Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix" WG

by Jeff Christiansen

Hi RDA Life Sci Infrastructure IG members, In case you weren't yet aware, just letting you know about the new(ish) RDA WG that is Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix
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RDA Life Sci Data Infrastructure IG at next week's RDA Plenary

by Jeff Christiansen

Hi RDA Life Sci Data Infrastructure IG members! A heads up that at next week's Plenary, we are holding a session entitled Key aspects of FAIR for infrastructure solutions in the biomolecular life sciences
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Re: New RDA working group on FAIRification of genome sequence annotations (tracks) - Kickoff meetings in September

by Ryan O'Connor

Dear Life Science Data Infrastructures IG members, Greetings from Ryan O’Connor and Sveinung Gundersen, representing RDA TIGER and the FAIRtracks team. We are reaching out to individuals who we believe would be uniquely qualified and hopefully interested to contribute to this project, based on related work, previously expressed interest, and/or influence with projects that could benefit from our initiative.
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August 30th RDA Community Cross-Fertilisation Workshop on Disciplinary Data

by Beth Knazook

An upcoming RDA community cross-fertilisation workshop focused on disciplinary research needs is happening at 10:00 UTC on August 30th and will feature the Life Science Data Infrastructures IG! (Thanks Wolmar!)
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Re: [rda-lifescidatainf] RDA P21 @ IDW 2023 - Notification of Acceptance

by Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström

Very happy to hear this! I will be on-site to chair session in Salzburg but I’m also co-organising and presenting during the RDA BoF: Let’s talk about FAIR mappings! Towards common practices for sharing mappings and crosswalks and the SciDataCon session: Building a semantic interoperability framework: towards FAIR mappings and crosswalks (512). It would be very helpful if it’s possible to avoid scheduling conflicts with these sessions in the programme. Kind regards, Wolmar -- Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström NBIS - National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden
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RDA P21 @ IDW 2023 - Notification of Acceptance

by Secretariat Group Account

Dear Chairs of the Life Science Data Infrastructures IG, Your RDA P21 session application titled Key aspects of FAIR for infrastructure solutions in the biomolecular life sciences has been approved. Please consider this your official notification of acceptance. Key dates to keep in mind: * Draft programme to be published on Friday, 28 July * Any requests for changes must be made by Monday, 21 August to ***@***.*** * P21 programme will be deemed final by Tuesday, 22 August
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Invitation with note: RDA Life Sci Infr IG catchup @ Wed 31 May 2023 6am - 6:50am (AEST) (

by Jeff Christiansen

You have been invited to the following event with this note: "Hi All, An agenda for the next RDA Life Sci Data Infrastructures Interest Group on May30/31: Please note, the co-chairs are aware that this time is not ideal for anyone in Europe, Africa or Asia/Oceania to attend - one of the agenda items will be to discuss the possibility of holding future meetings at alternating
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Re: [rda-lifescidatainf] RE: [rda-lifescidatainf] Invitation with note: May RDA Life Sci Infr IG catchup @ Wed...

by Paulette Lieby

Hello Francis, Sorry for the confusion... I was simply making a suggestion. The calendar invite was already sent by the co-chairs. Cheers, Paulette. On 27/04/2023 16:49, Francis P. Crawley via Life Science Data
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RE: [rda-lifescidatainf] Invitation with note: May RDA Life Sci Infr IG catchup @ Wed...

by Francis P. Crawley

Dear Paulette, Thank you for this. Would you be able to send a calendar invitation for this meeting. Thank you in advance. Kind regards, Francis Francis P. Crawley Chair, CODATA International Data Policy Committee (IDPC) EOSC-Future / RDA Ambassador for Ethics & Law Co-chair EOSC-Future / RDA Artificial Intelligence & Data Visitation Working Group (AIDV-WG) Coordinator, Ukraine Clinical Research Support Initiative (UCRSI) Executive Director, Good Clinical Practice Alliance – Europe (GCPA)
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Invitation with note: May RDA Life Sci Infr IG catchup @ Wed 3 May 2023 6am - 6:50am (AEST) (

by Jeff Christiansen

You have been invited to the following event with this note: "Hi All, A reminder of the May installment of the RDA Life Sci Infrastructure Interest Group meeting. Hoping to see you there. Agenda Cheers Jeff" May RDA Life Sci Infr IG catchup Wednesday 3 May 2023 ⋅ 6am – 6:50am Australian Eastern Standard Time - Brisbane Location
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