New Interest Group Charter: Coordinating the Global Open Science Commons – Submit your Comments!

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10 Sep 2019

New Interest Group Charter: Coordinating the Global Open Science Commons – Submit your Comments!

The “Coordinating the Global Open Science Commons Interest Group” (GOSC IG) recently submitted its charter and is seeking comments from the RDA community. The charter is a brief summary of what the group plans to address, how it’s aligned with the RDA mission and how the group would be a value-added contribution to the community.

In the document, the group describes how it will "own the overall remit of coordinating the delivery of a Global Open Science Commons and monitor progress made within related RDA Working Groups and other initiatives to achieve this goal."   It also details its intent to provide a neutral place where people have conversations about Open Science Commons and work to reach a shared understanding of what a “Commons” is in the research data space, what functionality, coverage and characteristics such an initiative requires, and how this can be coordinated at a global level.

Read more about this group’s proposed activities, including working with those outside the community, and provide your comments. Submit your comments at