Last days to apply for an ECR or Expert travel grant to the RDA P14 in Helsinki: RDA Europe Summer Updates

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01 Aug 2019

Last days to apply for an ECR or Expert travel grant to the RDA P14 in Helsinki: RDA Europe Summer Updates

RDA EU Early Career Researchers And Expert Travel Grants For The 14th RDA Plenary  

RDA Europe doesn't go on holiday! We are offering financial support to nine Early Career Researchers and seven European Experts working with data to attend the 14th RDA Plenary meeting, in Helsinki, Finland, 23-25 October 2019. The submission deadline for both Open Calls is the 16th of August, 17:00 CEST. To find out more about the requirements, selection process and financial contributions please visit: 


► Open Call for Early Career Researchers
► Open Call for Experts




Final Call For European Organisations To Become RDA National Nodes 

RDA Europe is expanding its network of  national nodes. There are currently nineteen nodes, established in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. The total funding available for the third and final call is €67.200, to be awarded to three new national nodes. To become a node, your organisation must develop and implement a broad-based and representative action plan aligned with RDA’s global vision and with national and European agendas. Funding will be assigned via a cascading grants mechanism.  Learn more and submit your application to the open call by September 11, 17.00 CEST.



Register now for RDA France Annual Meeting 2019

The second annual meeting of the Node National RDA France will be held in Paris on 13 September 2019 at CNRS. The meeting is intended as last year both for people already active in the RDA and for those who want to learn or who plan to participate in its activities. Ingrid Dillo, Deputy Director of DANS and Co-Chair of the RDA Council, and the Secretary General of the organization, Hilary Hanahoe, will participate in the meeting. More information and registration here>>  

RDA Pathway To Open Science In Europe: The Impact Of RDA Solutions And National Nodes At The OS Fair Workshop 

From 16 to 18 September 2019 the Open Science Fair in Porto will critically showcase the elements required for the transition to Open Science. The RDA will actively contribute to the workshop’s agenda with four sessions facilitated by RDA Working Groups and RDA Europe partners focusing on FAIR Data management, national plans for implementing the EOSC and services supporting research data.

RDA Spain Annual Event @ IBERGRID 2019

The RDA Spanish node will celebrate the 2019 national event on September 23rd 2019 in Santiago de Compostela, co-located with the EOSC Synergy Kick-Off event at the IBERGRID 2019 Conference.  More information available on the Spanish Node page. You can already register for the event here >>

RDA Workshop Focused On The Humanities

Takes place at Copenhagen University in Copenhagen on Tuesday, 24 September, 2019,  - 10:30 to 15:30. The workshop will focus on using RDA outputs in the humanities. More info to follow. Keep an eye on the Danish Node page.

The Role Of Open Science, Open Innovation And Citizen Science In Creating More Inclusive And Sustainable Societies

On 9 October, RDA Ireland organises its 3rd Meet The Expert event with Prof. Willie Donnelly. The talk will discuss the potential impact of the concepts of Open Science, Open Innovation and Citizen Science on traditional research structures and metrics. In particular the talk will look at how traditional research models and structures such as journal publications, intellectual property and copyright and ownership must evolve to respond to this new knowledge creation and exploitation environment. It will also explore how such developments will impact on future national and international research investment strategies. Read more and register here>>


Discipline Focus: 


RDA And The Humanities - A Report From The RDA Europe Ambassador For The Humanities 

The goal of this report is to provide a broad overview of the way the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the humanities as an academic discipline can be of value to each other. The intended audience for this report in the first instance are digital humanities researchers and service providers in the humanities domain. By providing basic relevant information on the RDA for this target group it is foreseen that they can benefit from the output of the RDA and increase their involvement in RDA activities. ► Read the full report


Recommendations & Outputs: 

The Greek Effect In Enhancing RDA Outputs Adoption

On July 3, the Greek RDA Node, Athena Research Centre (ARC), organised a Workshop on RDA Outputs and Adoption to inform the Greek scientific community about the outcomes of RDA group activities and to provide useful instructions on how these outcomes could be applied by them to improve existing services, tools and workflows. The workshop was held at ARC premises in Athens and was remotely available for everyone willing to participate. Read the full blog post by Elli Papadopoulou, here►