Kickstarting the RDA-OfR working group to map the landscape of digital research tools

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Kickstarting the RDA-OfR working group to map the landscape of digital research tools
07 Jul 2023

Kickstarting the RDA-OfR working group to map the landscape of digital research tools

The RDA recently endorsed a new working group, supported by Oracle for Research, which aims to map the landscape of digital research tools to various stages of the research data life cycle. 

The working group will produce a categorisation schema (a conceptual framework) of different types of research tools that includes terminology, definitions, and associated metadata describing their features, functionalities, and interoperability. 

June: The Discovery Phase 

It’s been a busy few months defining the scope of the group. After two brainstorming workshops, a working meeting, and three iterations of the case statement, the working group officially started work on its first deliverable during a meeting on 29 June. 

Before the group can create a categorisation schema mapping different types of research tool to the research data life cycle, a suitable model must first be selected or created. ‘The creation of a research data lifecycle model and crosswalk to existing models’ (Deliverable 1) required a landscape review to explore, examine, and identify different research data life cycles that have been conceptualised for specific research paradigms and audiences. 

In Zoom breakout rooms, working group members formed task groups to begin the ‘discovery phase’ which involved researching and consulting different research data life cycle models, and documenting their different stages. Task groups are continuing this work in preparation for the next meeting. 

Next meeting: The Harmonisation Phase

On Thursday 20 July (11:00 - 12:00 UTC), each task group will provide an overview of their findings and suggest next steps for the ‘harmonisation phase’ during 5-minute lightning presentations. 

Together, the working group will identify common stages of the research data lifecycle for use as the framework to guide the research tool categorisation. Each research data lifecycle stage will be supported by terminology and definitions. In addition, the WG will create a crosswalk to demonstrate connections between the chosen model and existing models.

Join the group!

Register to become a member of the RDA and join the RDA-OfR Mapping the landscape of digital research tools WG to get involved and stay up to date on all activities.

If you’d like more information about this group or how to get involved, please contact the facilitator, Connie Clare (